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Gilles Vonsattel
October 3, 2022Chicago Classical Review, Grossman EnsembleWhile most of the program selections were written for large chamber ensemble, the musical highlight of the evening came with George Benjamin’s Shadowlines for solo piano, performed by Gilles Vonsattel.
May 14, 2022NYTimes Reviews TON/Botstein/Vonsattel, Chávez Piano Concerto at Carnegie Hall's Stern Auditorium"The revelation of the night may have been Chávez’s Piano Concerto, a three-movement work that functions more like one in two parts: a long first section of mercurial episodes, and another that grows from virtually nothing to a finale of brassy, enormous sound. Excitingly unpredictable — in its development, but also in its rhythms and sonorities — it provided a restless workout for the soloist, Gilles Vonsattel, who was coolly capable throughout, including as a sensitive partner during a long duet with the harpist Taylor Ann Fleshman in the second movement.
Sunday, October 10, 2021Strauss/Leimer recording with Bern Symphony Orchestra and Mario Venzago released on Schweizer FonogrAfter almost 70 years since the first recording by the composer himself under the direction of Herbert von Karajan, Schweizer Fonogramm presents a new recording of the Piano Concerto (Left-Hand) by Kurt Leimer (1920 – 1974). The highly talented pianist, later Mozarteum lecturer and internationally renowned virtuoso, was taken prisoner during World War II, came into contact with jazz music there and finally wrote his Piano Concerto for the Left Hand Alone for a colleague who had been injured in the war (the orchestration being supoorted by the conductor Kurt Overhoff). The stylistically versatile concerto in one movement combines numerous elements between romanticism, impressionism and Music Hall with an almost superhumanly difficult one-hand pianism and places the highest demands on the interpretation, not only in terms of craftsmanship but also in terms of fantasy and dialogue between soloist and orchestra. The context between virtuosity and wartime injury, this time in relation to the First World War, also characterizes the genesis of the Panathenäenzug op. 74 by Richard Strass (1927), who dedicated the work to the pianist Paul Wittgenstein (who suffered from the loss of his right arm ). When the elder composer heard the young Kurt Leimer play the Panathenäenzug in the 1940s, he was delighted with the latter’s playing and allowed a few adjustments in the solo part by the soloist, which found their way into the present recording. The studio recording took place under Covid 19 protection conditions in Bern in September 2020; the two solo parts taken by Swiss-American pianist Gilles Vonsattel. With the generous support of the Kurt Leimer Foundation.
Friday, November 08, 2019Cage's Sonatas and InterludesBut what made Gilles Vonsattel’s performance of selections from the piece — Sonatas I, II, V, the famous “Gemini” pair of XIV and XV, and XVI, with the Third Interlude in the middle — was hearing and seeing a concert pianist play this music. Vonsattel’s touch was superb, graceful and with fine and smooth gradations of dynamics. His rhythm in the swinging Sonata V was positively hip, and he was perfectly in tune with the zen expression of the work, the beautiful and mysterious “Gemini” music flowing through him and becoming a penumbra of sound and meaning he played within.
Saturday, September 14, 2019Camerata Pacifica turns 30 with Auerbach and Beethoven"with the vividly descriptive performance by Paul Huang and Gilles Vonsattel, however, I didn't need the dancers – but I would have liked to have had the score. After a while, 24 variations running together for more than 50 minutes turns into what the composer had in mind: the creation of a "continuum" across the short pieces, some less than a minute. Paul Huang and Gilles Vonsattel accomplished the task by being absolutely focused on making the most beautifully coherent sounds they could out of what Auerbach threw at them on a prelude by prelude basis, casually turning impossible feats of virtuosity into seamless parts of a larger whole.

Vonsattel worked as if he were revealing music out of sound the way Michelangelo revealed figures in stone. He had a wonderful light touch, but one was always aware that he could unleash formidable power at any moment."

Sunday, September 01, 2019Rakthausmarkt open air concert with Philharmonisches Staatorchester Hamburg and Kent Nagano"Aber da steht sowieso vor allem der Solist im Mittlepunkt. Und was Gilles Vonsattel auf und am Flügel an Farben une Rhythmen rausholte, wie seine Finger da über die Tasten rasten, als wären es kleine Krabbelwesen auf Dope, das war schon stark."
January 19, 2019Anthony Cheung's "All Roads" at Lincoln CenterPianist Vonsattel, perhaps channeling Strayhorn’s collaborator Duke Ellington, often used a stylish, percussive jazz touch to project melodies and chords, but could also summon a velvety Bill Evans sound when needed. The Escher Quartet matched him with focused, characterful playing. Far from tedious, the piece’s 25 minutes seemed to fly by, putting an upbeat conclusion on a challenging evening of chamber music.
June 22, 2018SWR Link to Schwetzingen Solo Recital
May 11, 2018Schwetzingen Festspiele Recital Review - Perfekter Anschlag - Mannheimer Morgen...Hier waren ganz andere Qualitäten gefragt, Anschlagsdifferenzierung zum Beispiel, und auch hier erwies sich Vonsattel als großer Meister. Er ist ein Perfektionist des Klavier-Anschlags, so viele Anschlags-Schattierungen hört man nicht oft. Vom explodierenden Vulkan bis zum schwelgerischen Tasten-Streichler beherrscht er die komplette Ausdrucks-Palette....
March 30, 2018CSO under Kent Nagano delivers a snazzy slice of vintage Bernstein (Chicago Tribune)Those who would lament Bernstein’s unfulfilled promise as a composer are urged to hear this performance, not only because it is terrific but because of the perspective in which it puts one of America’s greatest, if not the greatest, cultural icons and musical polymaths...Thursday’s soloist, Swiss-born American pianist Gilles Vonsattel, brought urbane charm and winning panache to the extensive solo part. His breezy, light-on-the keys approach to his jazz jam with CSO percussion players in the scherzo may have lacked the manic drive of Lukas Foss or the composer himself (a recording of the 1949 Boston premiere, with Bernstein at the keyboard, tells the tale) but it was fluid and rhythmically deft and it worked. So, for that matter, did everything else about the performance.
March 30, 2018Nagano, Vonsattel and CSO fete Bernstein in style (Chicago Classical Review)Gilles Vonsattel made a most impressive CSO debut in the symphony’s prominent keyboard part. The Swiss-American pianist kept his role in proper scale, skirting spotlight-grabbing concerto bravura, yet always fully serving the score’s lyrical and dramatic demands as needed. Vonsattel was especially inspired in putting across the jazz-based essence of Bernstein’s piano writing—in the “Masque” the pianist was less concerned with speed than style, tossing off the skittering syncopations with a light, kitten-on-the-keys panache that was delightful and felt just right.
February 22, 2018Shostakovich album on Claves reviewed by PizzicatoThe powerful performances by Gringolts, Haefliger and Vonsattel clearly convey the depth of feeling and the composer’s spiritual desolation. Not to be missed!
January 23, 2018ResMusica reviews Shostakovich recording (Vonsattel/Gringolts/Haefliger) on ClavesToutes les proportions étant gardées, les chambristes nous offrent une prestation cohérente, harmonieuse (aucune dominance de la part du violoniste virtuose ou de l’un de ses collègues, comme c’est parfois le cas pour ce type de productions) et optant pour les tempos justes, c’est-à-dire naturels dans leur fluidité, et ni exagérément allants, ni traînants....Gilles Vonsattel est un partenaire idoine pour Ilya Gringolts : il a la même respiration et il est précis quant à l’articulation, ce qui lui permet, entres autres, d’accentuer l’angoisse, mais aussi de soutenir la ligne « vocale » menée par le violon dans les passages où celui-ci « chante » une douce mélodie.
December 4, 2017Claves releases Shostakovich Trios and Violin Sonata with Ilya Gringolts and Daniel Haefliger
October 23, 2017Review of Solo Recital at Zeughaus Neuss, Germany (Webern, Brahms, Beethoven, Schumann)"...enormous technical ability...a great piano solo evening." - NGZ Online
May 8, 2017" Vibra la sala Tlaqná con Gilles Vonsattel, Liszt y la OSX, en Xalapa, Veracruz "Vibra la sala T7 may 2017 8:32 AM
Por: Daniella Ovalle - xeu Noticias

La Orquesta Sinfónica de Xalapa junto con el pianista Gilles Vonsattel y el compositor austro-húngaro Franz Liszt, hicieron vibrar el Centro Cultural Tlaqná la noche del viernes, en Xalapa, Veracruz.

Durante el concierto se interpretaron obras de Liszt, Beethoven y Strauss, pero fue la maravillosa interpretación del pianista suizo-americano Gilles Vonsattel junto con el burleske de Strauss y con la Sinfonía No. 2 de Beethoven que el público vibró también.

La cadencia acostumbrada del director titular Lanfranco Marcelletti y la magnífica interpretación de Gilles Vonsattel crearon la perfecta armonía junto con los integrantes de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Xalapa y como de costumbre pusieron de pie al público.

March 24, 2017CMS of Lincoln Center Solo Recital availableDussek, Beethoven, Janacek, Liszt, Rzewski, and Debussy....
March 17, 2017SDZ reviews Münchner Philharmoniker, Kent Nagano, Gilles Vonsattel at the Gasteig"...It almost felt like a special concert at the Munich Biennial..."
January 22, 2017Hartford Courant Reviews HSO Beethoven and Ravel - Smirnoff/VonsattelThe jazzy, chamber-like qualities of this concerto emerged without effort, but the real test of any soloist in the Ravel is the opening of the second movement. Vonsattel let it play without pushing and pulling and teasing and the music revealed deep inner beauty and subtle humor. Early in the concerto Vonsattel showed how the piano can sizzle in F-sharp major, and later how it can interact seamlessly with the HSO woodwinds.
November 9, 2016Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung Review (Eleanor Büning)"...there spanned companionship throughout time and space - heard through the fine piano coloring and lyrical phrases of the Swiss American pianist Gilles Vonsattel...he knows how to make music speak, from George Benjamin's canonic Shadowlines to Robert Schumann's great C Major Fantasy. And he proved to be a clever lion of the keyboard in Frederic Rzewski's Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues."

Manchmal schien es, auch die Musikstücke seien miteinander befreundet. Was nicht verwunderlich ist im Kontext der zweiten Wiener Schule, in der sich das Samstagskonzert fast ausschliesslich tummelte. Dass aber Johannes Brahms mit dem die Tonart noch suchenden Beginn seines h-Moll-Intermezzos op 119 offenbar eine direkte Fortsetzung der Variationen op. 27 von Anton Webern verfasst hatte, obgleich doch letzteres Stück erst dreiundvierzig Jahre später entstand, war uns vor dem Freitagskonzert noch nie aufgefallen: Da spannt sich das Band der Freundschaft quer durch Zeit und Raum – hörbar gemacht durch die feinen Pianofarben, die lyrischen Phrasierungen des schweizerisch-amerikanischen Pianisten Gilles Vonsattel, der hierzulande noch allzu unbekannt ist. Vonsattel liebt Altes wie Neues. Er weiß, wie man Töne zum Sprechen bringt, in George Benjamins kleinen kanonischen Etuden ebenso wie in Robert Schumanns großer C-Dur-Fantasie. Und ist auch ein gewitzter Tastenlöwe, etwa in Frederic Rzewskis „Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues“.

September 8, 2016Live from Lincoln Center Airs 9/9, 9 p.m. on PBSThe Chamber Music Society goes to Shaker Village, KY, for the first off-campus Live from Lincoln Center ever. Gilles Vonsattel performs Gottschalk's "The Union" for solo piano, and Copland's "Appalachian Spring" with the Escher Quartet, David Finckel, Paul Neubauer, Arnaud Sussman, Kristen Lee, DaXun Zhang, Tara Helen O'Connor, David Shifrin, and Peter Kolkay.
March 3, 2016Gramophone reviews Shadowlines"...Shadowlines..thoroughly succeeds. The dazzling sheen that Vonsattel brings to the rapidly descending scales of Scarlatti connects with Debussy darting all over the keyboard throughout 'Feux d'artifice'...whose harmonic blurrings relate to the stained-glass harmonies Messiaen patented early on in his early Preludes. Likewise, the linear rigor of Webern's variations take root and alluringly branch out in Benjamin's 'Canonic Preludes'...suavely executed and gorgeously engineered."

February 16, 2016Serene Fire in Palo Alto
February 16, 2016Review of CMS concert in San Diego - A Great Musical Reckoning"Why do young musicians continue to form chamber music ensembles, in the face of chancy economic prospects and the strapped budgets of presenting organizations? They do it because they hope that through hard work and fanatical commitment , they may be able to play, and move audiences, as the four men who appeard on Sunday night did."
February 16, 2016Review: Chamber Music Society...delivers an exquisite recital"...Gilles Vonsattel delivered inspired moments in the opening Allegro ma non troppo...the ethereal Andante cantabile demands a sensitive palette of weighted color at the piano, and Vonsattel created a serene reverie without ever breaking form."
January 24, 2016Tampa Bay Times reviews concert with the Florida OrchestraPianist trills, 'lion's roar' surprises at 'Mozart&More'..."Vonsattel handed a gift-wrapped package to the audience directly from the 18th century."
November 19, 2015Badische Zeitung reviews Merlin/Vonsattel recital - "A completely convincing partnership"
October 28, 2015NY Times (Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim) reviews Shadowlines"In this age of iTunes it’s easy to pick – and discard – individual tracks from a recording. But a great recital, like the one captured on this mesmerizing disc by the immensely talented pianist Gilles Vonsattel, is more than the sum of its parts."
October 28, 2015New solo recording out now - music of George Benjamin, Scarlatti, Webern, Messiaen, and DebussyFrom the liner notes:

This recording is built around George Benjamin’s Shadowlines, the composer’s 2001 mature, large-scale work for the piano. A series of “prismatic canons” that form a cumulative structure, Shadowlines is a work of astonishing depth and subtlety which holds great treasures for listener and performer. Every moment is carefully sculpted; intricate details and textures evolve within rigorously and beautifully conceived large forms....

October 28, 2015Gilles Vonsattel named 2016 Andrew Wolf Award recipientIn early 1986, many of Andrew Wolf's friends and colleagues established a specially endowed prize that would encourage other chamber music pianists. Because Andrew Wolf was philosophically opposed to musical competitions—which could damage the careers of those who did not win—the procedure for selecting the recipient of the Andrew Wolf Chamber Music Award does not involve any public competition. Rather, it involves a process of confidential nominations and a review of nominees through tapes and public performances. Only the names of award recipients are announced to the public. The award recipient must be a pianist under the age of forty who is an American citizen or permanent resident of the United States and has made a serious commitment and contribution to the chamber music field.

The first Andrew Wolf Chamber Music Award was presented to pianist Jeffrey Kahane in the summer of 1987. Other recipients include: Lydia Artymiw, 1989; Christopher O'Riley, 1991; Wu Han, 1993; Anne-Marie McDermott, 1995; Jeremy Denk, 1999; Jonathan Biss 2001; Natalie Zhu, 2003; and Max Levinson, 2005.

March 19, 2015American Record Guide reviews performance with Danish Quartet"The musical depths the Danes and Vonsattel brought were astonishing. They missed none of the excitement either. Their convincing performance often created a huge sound in a relatively small performance space. It was akin to a big romantic piano concerto."

March 12, 2015Berg KammerKonzert streamed live, Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, Friday the 13th (March!), 20:30
December 9, 2014Holliger CD continues to earn critical praiseAwarded a 5/5 from FonoForum (DE), the GENUIN album has now been named Classic Voice's disc of the month.
September 23, 2014RomancendresDim the lights, put some good headphones on, turn the phone off, enjoy...
August 6, 2014CD of Music of Heinz Holliger released on Artist ConsortReview from Classical Modern Music Blogspot
July 24, 2014Daily Camera ReviewMozart K. 467 with Carlos Miguel Prieto at Colorado Music Festival
July 22, 2014Listen to KVOD's Live Broadcast from Bravo! VailAnne-Marie McDermott, Gilles Vonsattel, and Third Coast Percussion perform Bartók's Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, and Steve Reich's Sextet, at 6 p.m. Mountain Time
June 7, 2014Master of the NightWashington Post reviews Freer gallery solo recital - Beethoven/Liszt/Schumann/Debussy
April 20, 2014From Liszt's Soliloquies to Labor BluesReview of 4/18 Bargemusic solo recital in NY Times by Zachary Woolfe
April 11, 2014Washington Post reviews Quartet for the End of TimeReview by Charles Downey of CMS concert at the Library of Congress, including Messiaen's Quatuor pour la fin du temps with Jörg Widmann, Nicolas Dautricourt, and Nicolas Altstaedt
October 6, 2013Review of Springfield Symphony Opening NightThe Republican reviews Springfield Symphony's Opening Night concert - Ravel G Major Concerto: "His dexterity was blindingly precise from the lightest touch to the most peremptory outburst. In the languid central adagio, he made the piano sing as few players can. Articulation such as this allows the listener to hear the “music between the notes” and to briefly forget that the piano is essentially a percussion instrument."
August 2, 2013Music in FocusDebussy's La cathédrale engloutie, from Music@Menlo
May 20, 2013Neue Zürcher Zeitung review of Swiss Chamber ConcertsAlfred Zimmerlin reviews Gilles Vonsattel, Jürg Dähler, and Daniel Haefliger performing George Benjamin, Martin Schlumpf, Hans Ulrich Lehmann, and Robert Schumann
April 8, 2013Review of Wigmore Solo Recital
April 4, 2013BBC In Tune Live Performance and Interviewwith Sean Rafferty
February 28, 2012Le Soleil review - Vonsattel, OSQ, and Fabien GabelReview by Richard Boisvert of the Feb. 27 concert with the Orchestre Symphonique du Québec and Fabien Gabel; Mozart Concerto No. 9 "Jeunehomme"
October 20, 2012Zachary Woolfe review in the NY TimesMr. Vonsattel and the cellist Nicolas Altstaedt stormed moodily through Heinz Holliger’s “Romancendres”....
August 13, 2012NY Times Review - Bard Festival

July 26, 2012Review of San Franciso Symphony concert

June 1, 20122012 Summer

A wonderful couple of months to look forward to. Great repertoire, fantastic colleagues. A return performance with the San Francisco Symphony at Davies Hall under conductor Michael Francis, festival appearances at the Bard, Bridgehampton, Music From Angel Fire, and Strings music festivals, a solo recital on Nantucket, and a first trip ever to Israel to be a part of the Jerusalem Academy...and I'm getting married !

December 2011Solo CD named one of 2011's Top Classical Albums of the Year by Timeout NY

A "wanderer between worlds" (Lucerne Festival), "immensely talented" and "quietly powerful pianist" (New York Times), Swiss-born American Gilles Vonsattel is an artist of extraordinary versatility and originality. Comfortable with and seeking out an enormous range of repertoire, Vonsattel displays a musical curiosity and sense of adventure that has gained him many admirers. Recipient of an Avery Fisher Career Grant and winner of the Naumburg and Geneva competitions as well as the 2016 Andrew Wolf Chamber Music Award, he has in recent years appeared with the Boston Symphony, Tanglewood, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Munich Philharmonic, Gothenburg Symphony, San Francisco Symphony, and Detroit Symphony Orchestra, while performing recitals and chamber music at the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, Ravinia, Tokyo’s Musashino Hall, Wigmore Hall, Bravo! Vail, Music@Menlo, the Gilmore festival, the Lucerne festival, and the Munich Gasteig. His 2014 New York solo recital was hailed as “tightly conceived and passionately performed…a study in intensity” by The New York Times.

As a soloist he has also appeared with the Warsaw Philharmonic, Calgary Philharmonic, Edmonton Symphony, l’Orchestre Symphonique du Québec, Boston Pops, Nashville Symphony, Musikkollegium Winterthur, Staatskapelle Halle, and L’orchestre de chambre de Genève. Chamber partners include musicians such as James Ehnes, Frank Huang, Ilya Gringolts, Nicolas Altstaedt, David Shifrin, David Finckel, Stefan Jackiw, Jörg Widmann, Gary Hoffman, Carter Brey, David Requiro, Paul Huang, Anthony Marwood, Paul Neubauer, Paul Watkins, Philip Setzer, Emmanuel Pahud, Karen Gomyo, David Jolley, and Ida Kavafian. He has appeared in concert with the Emerson, Pacifica, Orion, St. Lawrence, Ebène, Danish, Miró, Daedalus, Escher, and Borromeo Quartets. Mr. Vonsattel is Principal Pianist of Camerata Pacifica, a member of the Swiss Chamber Soloists, and plays alongside Ida Kavafian and David Jolley in Trio Valtorna. Deeply committed to the performance of contemporary works, he has premiered numerous works both in the United States and Europe and worked closely with notable composers such as Jörg Widmann, Heinz Holliger, and George Benjamin. His recording for the Honens/Naxos label of music by Debussy, Honegger, Holliger, and Ravel was named one of Time Out New York’s 2011 classical albums of the year, while a 2014 release on GENUIN/Artist Consort received a 5/5 from FonoForum and international critical praise. His latest solo release (2015) for Honens of Scarlatti, Webern, Messiaen, Debussy, and George Benjamin’s Shadowlines received rave reviews in Gramophone, The New York Times, and the American Record Guide. Upcoming recordings include Richard Strauss' Panathenäenzug and Kurt Leimer's Concerto for Left Hand with the Bern Symphony Orchestra and Mario Venzago, for the Schweizer Fonogramm label.

Recent projects include Berg’s Kammerkonzert with the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, a tour with Jörg Widmann and the Irish Chamber Orchestra, Mozart concerti with the Vancouver Symphony and Florida Orchestra, performances at Seoul’s LG Arts Centre and at the Beijing Modern Music Festival, collaborations with Kent Nagano with L’Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal and the Munich Philharmonic (Bernstein’s Symphony No. 2, The Age of Anxiety) as well as numerous appearances internationally and throughout the United States with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. Mr. Vonsattel received his bachelor’s degree in political science and economics from Columbia University and his master’s degree from The Juilliard School, where he studied with Jerome Lowenthal. He is Professor of Piano at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and on the faculty of Bard Conservatory. Gilles Vonsattel is a Steinway Artist.
...strong, nuanced keyboard articulation...New York Times
Mr. Vonsattel used his razor-sharp technique to make the older works sound as adventurous as the more recent ones.New York Times
Vonsattel is without fail immersed in his music-making...this was exactly how a piano recital should be, of a sort that will leave indelible memories and impressions. Mr. Vonsattel's new CD is a document that reveals an exceptional talent.Neue Zürcher Zeitung
The big news is that Mr. Vonsattel is a superb pianist...he produced a pure and singing tone...everything, always, was in balance.New York Sun
Gilles Vonsattel...summoned an eminently fluid and sensual touch in order to bring to life the harmonies of Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit and then galvanized his colleagues in the Schumann Piano Quintet.Le Temps
Most amazing was Vonsattel's ability to weave in and out of such different styles with ease and authority...Vonsattel has that complete mastery of himself as well as the instrument.San Francisco Classical Voice
...a pianist well worth watchingNew York Times
He has a way of taming the piano without ever raising his voice, [with] a firm caress that eloquently and softly moves through his hands. In chamber music, this predisposition is marvelous. For Mozart it fits like a glove.Le Temps
At once he plays like clockwork...underneath his ornamentation and striking sonic architecture is a wellspring of substance...from unabashed ardor to a musical communion that seems to come straight from whatever heavens he believes in.Timeout NY
This was a sterling performance of the concerto, the fearsome technical challenges met in a clear-eyed way and with the courage and the physical strength needed for the big moments....the piano tone was full, rich and generously projected, and without a hint of hardness. The rapturous slow movement was as successful as the framing movements - a thing of beauty.
Calgary Herald
The discovery was the Swiss-born, American-raised and -trained Gilles Vonsattel...he mesmerized for minutes on end.Houston Chronicle
...utter ease, fluidity, and calm amid the most technically challenging music.Houston Chronicle
He seems to balance intellect and feeling perfectly. There's no hint of haze in his Debussy and Ravel, but rather a finely chiseled elegance...his tone somehow manages both crystalline clarity and a core of warmth.Dallas Morning News
Swiss-born Gilles Vonsattel was dazzling in some insolently difficult Liszt and Gottschalk. If any doubt remained as to Saint-Saëns's capacity to (sometimes) write great music, surely Vonsattel and Edward Arron put it to flight with 1872's wonderful first Cello and Piano Sonata.
David ShengoldOpera News
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Vonsattel possesses a dazzling technique that can storm the heavens or sing in poetic introspection.... An impressive artist and dynamic virtuoso, Vonsattel left an indelible mark in a terrific Miami debut.Miami Herald
With his heart and soul fully engaged with the keyboard, the enormously talented pianist Gilles Vonsattel gave a knock-out performance.Danbury NewsTimes
Sovereign techniqueSüddeustche Zeitung
From the beautifully and sensitively played first-movement cadenza to the concerto's stunningly bravura ending, Vonsattel turned in a performance that had the packed house at Dawson Auditorium on its feet almost before the final notes died away, and rightly so.
Daily Telegram
Having to convince audiences that his interpretation of a great work of art is not only valid but of special interest seemed like child's play to the evening's guest artist, Gilles Vonsattel... every note was played with unflinching certainty.Naples Daily News

Upcoming Performances

Saturday, October 26, 2024Beethoven Piano Sonatas :BCMFBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYSonata Op. 13 in C Minor "Pathétique"
Sonata in A Major, Op. 101
Sonata quasi una fantasia in C sharp Minor "Moonlight", Op. 27, No. 2
Thursday, October 31, 2024Gabriel Fauré Festival at UMass AmherstUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MAwith Elizabeth Chang, Ron Gorevic, and Edward ArronFauré Piano Quartet No. 1, Op. 15more info...
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Sunday, November 10, 2024Beethoven Piano SonatasThe Buddy Holly Hall - Crickets TheatreLubbock, TXOp. 7 "Grand", Op. 13 "Pathétique", Op. 101, Op. 53 "Waldstein"
Tuesday, November 12, 2024Beethoven Piano SonatasAlberta Lea High School AuditoriumAlberta Lea, MNBeethoven Piano Sonatas - TBD!
Thursday, November 14, 2024Beethoven Piano SonatasClifford Hope AuditoriumGarden City, KSBeethoven Piano Sonatas - TBD!
Friday, November 15, 2024Beethoven Piano SonatasDodge City Civic CenterDodge City, KSBeethoven Piano Sonatas - TBD!
Sunday, November 17, 2024Beethoven Piano SonatasKokomo High School AuditoriumKokomo, INBeethoven Piano Sonatas - TBD!
Tuesday, November 19, 2024Beethoven Piano SonatasSt. Mary's Catholic ChurchAlexandria, MNBeethoven Piano Sonatas - TBD!
Saturday, December 07, 2024Musical MasterworksFirst Congregational ChurchOld Lyme, CTwith Tessa Lark, Arnaud Sussman, and Edward Arronprogram includes Beethoven Piano Trio in E-flat major, Op. 70, No. 2more info...
Sunday, December 08, 2024Musical MasterworksFirst Congregational ChurchOld Lyme, CTwith Tessa Lark, Arnaud Sussman, and Edward Arronprogram includes Beethoven Piano Trio in E-flat major, Op. 70, No. 2more info...
Tuesday, December 10, 2024Swiss Chamber Concerts: Echo SchubertGrande salle du conservatoireGeneva, Switzerlandwith Kirill ZvegintsovBräm Schuberts Reise for four hands (world premiere), Schubert Fantasy in f minor for four hands D. 940, Beethoven Piano Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 7more info...
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Wednesday, December 11, 2024Swiss Chamber Concerts: Echo SchubertGare du NordBasel, Switzerlandwith Kirill ZvegintsovBräm Schuberts Reise for four hands (world premiere), Schubert Fantasy in f minor for four hands D. 940, Beethoven Piano Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 7more info...

Past Performances

Sunday, October 20, 2024Bartok and Beethoven: CMS of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Benjamin Beilman, Ida Kavafian, Yura Lee, and David RequiroBartók Piano Quintetmore info...
Saturday, October 19, 2024Bartok and Beethoven: CMS on TourRecital Hall, Purchase CollegePurchase, NYwith Benjamin Beilman, Ida Kavafian, Yura Lee, and David RequiroBartók Piano Quintetmore info...
Sunday, October 13, 2024Beethoven recitalSummer Star Wildlife SanctuaryBoylston, MASonata in E-flat major, Op. 7
Sonata quasi una fantasia in C sharp minor "Moonlight", Op. 27, No. 2
Sonata in A Major, Op. 101
more info...
Friday, September 20, 2024Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CAwith Paul Huang and Santiago Cañón-ValenciaRavel – Sonata for Violin and Cello
Debussy – Images, Book II
Ravel – Piano Trio in A Minor
more info...
Thursday, September 19, 2024Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CAwith Paul Huang and Santiago Cañón-ValenciaRavel – Sonata for Violin and Cello
Debussy – Images, Book II
Ravel – Piano Trio in A Minor
more info...
Tuesday, September 17, 2024Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAwith Paul Huang and Santiago Cañón-ValenciaRavel – Sonata for Violin and Cello
Debussy – Images, Book II
Ravel – Piano Trio in A Minor
more info...
Sunday, September 15, 2024Camerata PacificaThe Scherr ForumThousand Oaks, CAwith Paul Huang and Santiago Cañón-ValenciaRavel – Sonata for Violin and Cello
Debussy – Images, Book II
Ravel – Piano Trio in A Minor
more info...
Saturday, August 24, 2024La Jolla Summerfest: A Song and DanceThe ConradLa Jolla, CAwith Jack Liebeck, Anthony McGill, Gilles Vonsattel, Inon Barnatan, Dustin Donahue, Sidney Hopson, James Ehnes, Jack Liebeck, and the SummerFest Chamber OrchestraPAUL SCHOENFIELD
Selections from Trio for Clarinet, Violin and Piano
Symphonic Dances from West Side Story
The Lark Ascending
Serenade for Strings
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Friday, August 23, 2024La Jolla Summerfest: The Road to VictoryThe ConardLa Jolla, CAwith James Ehnes, Simone Porter, Jonathan Vinocour, Paul Watkins, Gilles Vonsattel, Anthony McGill, Jack Liebeck, Njioma Greivious, Yura Lee, and Kyril ZlotnikovBEETHOVEN
String Quartet No. 11, Op. 95 “Serioso”
Cello Sonata, H. 125
Clarinet Quintet in F-sharp Minor, Op. 10
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Wednesday, August 21, 2024La Jolla Summerfest: Instrumental StoriesThe ConradLa Jolla, CAwith Yura Lee, Anthony Mcgill, Gilles Vonsattel, Simone Porter, Jonathan Vinocour, Paul Wiancko, James Ehnes, Jack Liebeck, Paul Watkins, and Kyril ZlotnikovBARTÓK
Lullaby for the Transient
String Sextet No. 1, Op. 18
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Thursday, August 08, 2024Manchester Music FestivalSVAC Arkell PavilionManchester, VTwith Christine Goerke, Philip Setzer, Sarah Vonsattel, Matthew Lipman, and Estelle ChoiJohannes Brahms: Two Songs for Alto Voice, Viola and Piano, Op. 91

Antonín Dvořák: Piano Quintet No. 2 in A, Op. 81
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Wednesday, July 31, 2024Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMRACHMANINOFF Trio élégiaque in D Minor for Piano Trio, Op. 9 more info...
Monday, July 29, 2024Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMwith Paul Huang and Peter StumpfSCHUBERT Piano Trio in E-flat Major, D. 929more info...
Sunday, July 28, 2024Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMwith Paul Huang and Peter StumpfSCHUBERT Piano Trio in E-flat Major, D. 929more info...
Saturday, July 27, 2024Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMJ. S. BACH Keyboard Concerto in E Major, BWV 1053more info...
Thursday, July 25, 2024Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMSonata in F Major, Op. 10, No. 2

Sonata in A-flat Major, Op. 26, Funeral March

Sonata in F Minor, Op. 57, Appassionata
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Sunday, July 21, 2024Kneisel HallKneisel HallBlue Hill, MEwith Laurie Smukler and Gwen KrosnickBeethoven Piano Trio in B-flat major, Op. 97 "Archduke"more info...
Friday, July 19, 2024Kneisel HallKneisel HallBlue Hill, MEwith Laurie Smukler and Gwen KrosnickBeethoven Piano Trio in B-flat major, Op. 97 "Archduke"more info...
Sunday, July 14, 2024Kneisel HallKneisel HallBlue Hill, MEwith Laurie Smukler and Gwen KrosnickBrahms Violin Sonata No. 1 in Major, Op. 78
James Lee III Ekah
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Friday, July 12, 2024Kneisel HallKneisel HallBlue Hill, MEwith Laurie Smukler and Gwen KrosnickBrahms Violin Sonata No. 1 in Major, Op. 78
James Lee III Ekah
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Sunday, July 07, 2024Kneisel HallKneisel HallBlue Hill, MEwith David Bowlin and Dmitry KouzovRavel Piano Trio in a minormore info...
Friday, July 05, 2024Kneisel HallKneisel HallBlue Hill, MEwith David Bowlin and Dmitry KouzovRavel Piano Trio in a minormore info...
Sunday, June 30, 2024Kneisel HallKneisel HallBlue Hill, MEwith Ari Issacman-Beck, Dmitry Kouzov, and Brian HongBeethoven: Piano Trio, Op.70, no.1 “Ghost”
Hindemith: Viola Sonata Op. 11, no. 4
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Friday, June 28, 2024Kneisel HallKneisel HallBlue Hill, MEwith Ari Issacman-Beck, Dmitry Kouzov, and Brian HongBeethoven: Piano Trio, Op.70, no.1 “Ghost”
Hindemith: Viola Sonata Op. 11, no. 4
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Friday, June 21, 2024Kneisel Hall Artist FacultyKneisel HallBlue Hill, MESession I Artist Faculty from June 21 - July 21: performing Ravel Trio, Hindemith Viola Sonata No. 4, Brahms G Major Violin Sonata No. 1, Archduke Trio, Beethoven Ghost Triomore info...
Sunday, June 16, 2024Chamber Music Albuquerque: Trio ValtornaSimms AuditoriumAlbuquerque, NMwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyHarbison Twilight Music and Brahms Horn Triomore info...
Sunday, June 09, 2024Hudson Valley Performing Arts Foundation: Chamber Music with SteMulder ChapelWarwick, NYMozart g minor piano quartet and Brahms c minor piano quartetmore info...
Friday, May 17, 2024Pfingtsfestival Schloss BruneggSchloss BruneggAargua, SwitzerlandMany performances over the Pentecost weekend: Beethoven Piano Sonatas Op. 57 and 106, Schumann Dichterliebe, Op. 47 Piano Quartet, Clara Schumann Three Romances for Violin and Piano, and moremore info...
Saturday, April 13, 2024Rachmaninoff and MahlerMark C. Smith Concert HallHuntsville, AlabamaHuntsville Symphony, Gregory Vajda conductsRachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 1
Saturday, March 23, 2024Chamber Music Kelowna SocietyKelowna, Canadawith Tai Murray, violinClara Schumann Romances
Arvo Pärt Passacaglia
John Adams Road Movies
Schubert Grand Duo
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Friday, March 22, 2024Edmonton Arts CouncilEdmonton, Canadawith Tai Murray, violinClara Schumann Romances
Arvo Pärt Passacaglia
John Adams Road Movies
Schubert Grand Duo
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Friday, March 15, 2024Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CAwith Abigél Králik, Jason Uyeyama, Brian Chen, Ani AznavoorianSchoenberg – Verklärte Nacht, Op. 4
Pärt – Spiegel im Spiegel
Brahms – Piano Quintet in F Minor, Op. 34
Thursday, March 14, 2024Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CAwith Abigél Králik, Jason Uyeyama, Brian Chen, Ani AznavoorianSchoenberg – Verklärte Nacht, Op. 4
Pärt – Spiegel im Spiegel
Brahms – Piano Quintet in F Minor, Op. 34
Tuesday, March 12, 2024Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAwith Abigél Králik, Jason Uyeyama, Brian Chen, Ani AznavoorianSchoenberg – Verklärte Nacht, Op. 4
Pärt – Spiegel im Spiegel
Brahms – Piano Quintet in F Minor, Op. 34
Sunday, March 10, 2024Camerata PacificaScherr ForumThousand Oaks, CAwith Abigél Králik, Jason Uyeyama, Brian Chen, Ani AznavoorianSchoenberg – Verklärte Nacht, Op. 4
Pärt – Spiegel im Spiegel
Brahms – Piano Quintet in F Minor, Op. 34
Thursday, February 29, 2024Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Marc Gilbert, Tara Helen O'Connor, David Shifrin, and Radovan VlatkovicBonis Sonata For Flute and Piano
Spohr Quintet for Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, and Piano
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Thursday, February 29, 2024Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Marc Gilbert, Tara Helen O'Connor, David Shifrin, and Radovan VlatkovicBonis Sonata For Flute and Piano
Spohr Quintet for Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, and Piano
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Saturday, February 03, 2024Dubois Competition Guest Artist RecitalKobacker Hall, Bowling Green UniversityBowling Green, OHBeethoven Sonatas - including Op. 106more info...
Friday, January 19, 2024Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CAwith José Franch-Ballester, YuEun Kim, and Ani AznavoorianMendelssohn – Piano Trio in D Minor, Op. 49
Brahms – Clarinet Sonata in E Flat Major, Op. 120
Thursday, January 18, 2024Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CAwith José Franch-Ballester, YuEun Kim, and Ani AznavoorianMendelssohn – Piano Trio in D Minor, Op. 49
Brahms – Clarinet Sonata in E Flat Major, Op. 120
Tuesday, January 16, 2024Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAwith José Franch-Ballester, YuEun Kim, and Ani AznavoorianMendelssohn – Piano Trio in D Minor, Op. 49
Brahms – Clarinet Sonata in E Flat Major, Op. 120
Sunday, January 14, 2024Camerata PacificaScherr ForumThousand Oakswith José Franch-Ballester, YuEun Kim, and Ani AznavoorianMendelssohn – Piano Trio in D Minor, Op. 49
Brahms – Clarinet Sonata in E Flat Major, Op. 120
Sunday, November 19, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: QuintetsAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Francisco Fullana, Arnaud Sussmann, Yura Lee, Nicholas Canellakis, and Anthony ManzoLouise Farrenc Quintet in a minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass, Op. 30more info...
Sunday, November 12, 2023Four Seasons Chamber Music FestivalHayes Barton United Methodist ChurchRaleigh, NCwith Ara Gregorian and Zvi PlesserRobert Schumann – Piano Trio No. 3 in G Minor, Op. 110
Felix Mendelssohn – Piano Trio No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 49
Friday, November 10, 2023Four Seasons Chamber Music FestivalA.J. Fletcher Music CenterGreenville, NCwith Ara Gregorian and Zvi PlesserRobert Schumann – Piano Trio No. 3 in G Minor, Op. 110
Felix Mendelssohn – Piano Trio No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 49
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Sunday, October 29, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: RachmaninovAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Erika Baikoff, Benjamin Beilman, and Clive Greensmithincludes Rachmaninov, Glinka, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov Songs and the Trio élégiaque in d minor Op. 9more info...
Saturday, October 28, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: RachmaninovConcert HallMadison, NJwith Erika Baikoff, Benjamin Beilman, and Clive Greensmithincludes Rachmaninov, Glinka, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov Songs and the Trio élégiaque in d minor Op. 9more info...
Friday, October 27, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: RachmaninovMaxwell TheatreAugusta, GAwith Erika Baikoff, Benjamin Beilman, and Clive Greensmithincludes Rachmaninov, Glinka, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov Songs and the Trio élégiaque in d minor Op. 9more info...
Wednesday, October 25, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: RachmaninovRecital HallState College, PAwith Erika Baikoff, Benjamin Beilman, and Clive Greensmithincludes Rachmaninov, Glinka, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov Songs and the Trio élégiaque in d minor Op. 9more info...
Sunday, October 22, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: RachmaninovShalin Liu Center in RockportRockport, MAwith Erika Baikoff, Benjamin Beilman, and Clive Greensmithincludes Rachmaninov, Glinka, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov Songs and the Trio élégiaque in d minor Op. 9more info...
Saturday, October 21, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: RachmaninovSUNY Purchase Conservatory of MusicPurchase, NYwith Erika Baikoff, Benjamin Beilman, and Clive Greensmithincludes Rachmaninov, Glinka, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov Songs and the Trio élégiaque in d minor Op. 9more info...
Friday, September 01, 2023Banff International String Quartet FestivalRolston Recital HallBanff, ABFrom Sept 1-3: 8 concerts at the Banff Centre, with Ema Nikolovska, Barry Shiffman, Anna Stube, Joel Quarrington, the New Orford Quartet, and the Viano QuartetBeethoven Sonata Op. 81a, Franck Violin Sonata, Schubert "Trout" Quintet, Schubert lieder, Hot Canary, Shostakovich Seven Romances on Poems by Alexander Blok, Silvestrov Postlude #3more info...
Sunday, July 30, 2023Chamber Music at Classical TahoeClassical Tahoe Ricardi PavilionLake Incline, NVwith Tessa LarkBeethoven Violin Sonata No. 9, Op. 47, "Kreutzer"more info...
Saturday, July 29, 2023Classical TahoeClassical Tahoe Ricardi PavilionIncline Village, NVDaniela Candillari, conductor
Classical Tahoe Orchestra
Rachmaninoff Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 43more info...
Monday, July 24, 2023Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNew Mexico Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMwith Chad HoopesRavel Sonata for Violin and Piano in G Majormore info...
Sunday, July 23, 2023Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNew Mexico Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMwith Chad HoopesRavel Sonata for Violin and Piano in G Majormore info...
Thursday, July 20, 2023Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNew Mexico Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMwith Yura Lee, William Hagen, Toby Appel, and Felix FanRyan Chase Piano Quintet (world premiere)more info...
Wednesday, July 19, 2023Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNew Mexico Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMwith Inon BarnatanDEBUSSY En blanc et noir (In White and Black) for Two Pianos
STRAVINSKY The Rite of Spring for TwoPianos
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Saturday, June 17, 2023Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalSeligman Performing Arts CenterBloomfield Hills, MIwith Philip Setzer and Paul WatkinsCarlos Simon Sleep Well
Carlos Simon Lickety Split
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Friday, June 16, 2023Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalKerrytown Concert HouseAnn Arbor, MIwith Tessa Lark and Paul WatkinsBeethoven Sonata Op. 81a "Das Lebewohl"
Shostakovich Piano Trio in E minor, O. 67
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Tuesday, June 13, 2023Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalSt. Hugo of the HillsBloomfield Hills, MIwith Paul WatkinsSAINT-SAËNS Cello Sonata No. 1, Op. 32
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Sunday, June 11, 2023Rockport MusicShalin Liu Center in RockportRockport, MAwith Andrew Wan, Barry Shiffman, Desmond Hoebig, and Kebra-Seyoun CharlesSchumann Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47
Schubert Piano Quintet in A Major, D. 667 "Trout"
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Saturday, June 03, 2023PA Music Teachers Association Conference RecitalEisenhower Auditorium, Center for the Performing Arts at Penn StUniversity Park, PASelections from Bach's Art of Fugue, Mendelssohn Variations sérieuses, Beethoven Sonata Op. 81a, Beethoven Sonata Op. 111more info...
Friday, May 26, 2023Pfingstfestival Schloss BruneggSchloss BruneggZurich CHwith Sophie Klussmann, Jürg Dähler, Philippe Racine, Patrick Demenga, Felix Renggli, and others - weekend of May 26Focus on Mendelssohn: solo recital of J.S. Bach, Mendelssohn, Beethoven, and Philippe Racine, lieder of Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn, Mendelssohn Piano Triosmore info...
Sunday, April 30, 2023Duo Recital with Stella ChenStissing CenterPine Plains, NYFranz Schubert: Sonata in A Major "Grand Duo"
Grażyna Bacewicz: Partita for Violin and Piano (1955)
Eleanor Alberga: No-Man’s-Land Lullaby for Violin and Piano (1996)
Edvard Grieg: Violin Sonata No. 2 in G major

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Saturday, April 29, 2023Rite of Spring 4 Hands - BCMFBridgehampton Presbyterian Church (Parlor House)Bridgehampton, NYwith Orion WeissDebussy Petite Suite
Mozart Andante and Variations in G major, K. 501
Fauré Dolly Suite, Op. 56
Stravinsky The Rite of Spring
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Thursday, April 27, 2023Piano Dialogues at KaufmanMerkin Concert HallNew York, NYwith Shai WosnerW.A. MOZART – Cavatina from Le nozze di Figaro
arr. Shai Wosner
FRANZ SCHUBERT – Fantasia for piano four hands
CLARA SCHUMANN – Albumleaf on Ein feste Burg
CLAUDE DEBUSSY – En blanc et noir – Claude Debussy
JOHANNES BRAHMS – Selections from Waltzes Op. 39
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Friday, April 07, 2023Music at AmherstBuckley Recital HallAmherst, MAwith Tai Murray, violinEllen Taaffe Zwilich: Romance
John Adams: Road Movies
Arvo Pärt: Passacaglia
Franz Schubert: Grand Duo in A Major, D. 574
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Sunday, March 19, 2023Voices of the AmericasWolf TrapVienna, VAwith Jessica Rivera, Michael Stephen Brown, Nicholas Canellakis, and Ian David RosenbaumCopland El Salón México for Piano and Percussion (arr.Bernstein) (1932-36, arr.1941)
Bernstein Three Meditations from Mass for Cello, Piano, and Percussion (1971, arr. 1977)
Ginastera “Chacarera” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Chávez “North Carolina Blues” for Voice and Piano (1942)
Ginastera “Gato” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Ponce “Estrellita” for Voice and Piano (1912)
Bernstein "I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Bernstein "Somewhere" from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Osvaldo Golijov Mariel for Cello and Marimba (1999)
Villa-Lobos “A maré encheu” from Guia prático for Piano (1932)
Villa-Lobos “O polichinelo” from Prole dobe bê for Piano (1918)
Ginastera Pampeana No. 2, Rhapsody for Cello and Piano, Op. 21 (1950)
Tania León “Oh Yemanja” from Scourge of Hyacinths for Soprano, Cello, and Piano (1994)
Gershwin Cuban Overture for Piano, Four Hands, and Percussion (1932)
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Saturday, March 18, 2023Voices of the AmericasLittle TheaterSaratoga Springs, NYwith Jessica Rivera, Michael Stephen Brown, Nicholas Canellakis, and Ian David RosenbaumCopland El Salón México for Piano and Percussion (arr.Bernstein) (1932-36, arr.1941)
Bernstein Three Meditations from Mass for Cello, Piano, and Percussion (1971, arr. 1977)
Ginastera “Chacarera” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Chávez “North Carolina Blues” for Voice and Piano (1942)
Ginastera “Gato” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Ponce “Estrellita” for Voice and Piano (1912)
Bernstein "I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Bernstein "Somewhere" from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Osvaldo Golijov Mariel for Cello and Marimba (1999)
Villa-Lobos “A maré encheu” from Guia prático for Piano (1932)
Villa-Lobos “O polichinelo” from Prole dobe bê for Piano (1918)
Ginastera Pampeana No. 2, Rhapsody for Cello and Piano, Op. 21 (1950)
Tania León “Oh Yemanja” from Scourge of Hyacinths for Soprano, Cello, and Piano (1994)
Gershwin Cuban Overture for Piano, Four Hands, and Percussion (1932)
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Friday, March 17, 2023Voices of the AmericasAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Jessica Rivera, Michael Stephen Brown, Nicholas Canellakis, and Ian David RosenbaumCopland El Salón México for Piano and Percussion (arr.Bernstein) (1932-36, arr.1941)
Bernstein Three Meditations from Mass for Cello, Piano, and Percussion (1971, arr. 1977)
Ginastera “Chacarera” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Chávez “North Carolina Blues” for Voice and Piano (1942)
Ginastera “Gato” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Ponce “Estrellita” for Voice and Piano (1912)
Bernstein "I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Bernstein "Somewhere" from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Osvaldo Golijov Mariel for Cello and Marimba (1999)
Villa-Lobos “A maré encheu” from Guia prático for Piano (1932)
Villa-Lobos “O polichinelo” from Prole dobe bê for Piano (1918)
Ginastera Pampeana No. 2, Rhapsody for Cello and Piano, Op. 21 (1950)
Tania León “Oh Yemanja” from Scourge of Hyacinths for Soprano, Cello, and Piano (1994)
Gershwin Cuban Overture for Piano, Four Hands, and Percussion (1932)
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Wednesday, March 15, 2023Voices of the AmericasWalter S. Gubelmann AuditoriumPalm Beach, FLwith Jessica Rivera, Michael Stephen Brown, Nicholas Canellakis, and Ian David RosenbaumCopland El Salón México for Piano and Percussion (arr.Bernstein) (1932-36, arr.1941)
Bernstein Three Meditations from Mass for Cello, Piano, and Percussion (1971, arr. 1977)
Ginastera “Chacarera” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Chávez “North Carolina Blues” for Voice and Piano (1942)
Ginastera “Gato” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Ponce “Estrellita” for Voice and Piano (1912)
Bernstein "I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Bernstein "Somewhere" from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Osvaldo Golijov Mariel for Cello and Marimba (1999)
Villa-Lobos “A maré encheu” from Guia prático for Piano (1932)
Villa-Lobos “O polichinelo” from Prole dobe bê for Piano (1918)
Ginastera Pampeana No. 2, Rhapsody for Cello and Piano, Op. 21 (1950)
Tania León “Oh Yemanja” from Scourge of Hyacinths for Soprano, Cello, and Piano (1994)
Gershwin Cuban Overture for Piano, Four Hands, and Percussion (1932)
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Monday, March 13, 2023Voices of the AmericasLa Musica Festival Riverview Performing Arts CenterSarasota, FLwith Jessica Rivera, Michael Stephen Brown, Nicholas Canellakis, and Ian David RosenbaumCopland El Salón México for Piano and Percussion (arr.Bernstein) (1932-36, arr.1941)
Bernstein Three Meditations from Mass for Cello, Piano, and Percussion (1971, arr. 1977)
Ginastera “Chacarera” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Chávez “North Carolina Blues” for Voice and Piano (1942)
Ginastera “Gato” from Cinco canciones populares argentinas for Voice and Piano, Op. 10 (1943)
Ponce “Estrellita” for Voice and Piano (1912)
Bernstein "I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Bernstein "Somewhere" from West Side Story for Voice and Piano (1957)
Osvaldo Golijov Mariel for Cello and Marimba (1999)
Villa-Lobos “A maré encheu” from Guia prático for Piano (1932)
Villa-Lobos “O polichinelo” from Prole dobe bê for Piano (1918)
Ginastera Pampeana No. 2, Rhapsody for Cello and Piano, Op. 21 (1950)
Tania León “Oh Yemanja” from Scourge of Hyacinths for Soprano, Cello, and Piano (1994)
Gershwin Cuban Overture for Piano, Four Hands, and Percussion (1932)
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Sunday, March 05, 2023Schubert RevealedWalter S. Gubelmann AuditoriumPalm Beach, FLwith Wu Han and Benjamin BeilmanSchubert Fantasie in F minor for Piano, Four Hands, D. 940, Op. 103
Schubert Fantasie in C major for Piano, D. 760, “Wanderer Fantasy”
Schubert Fantasy in C major for Violin and Piano, D. 934, Op. 159
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Thursday, March 02, 2023The Art of the Recital: Chamber Music Society of LIncoln CenterLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Tommaso LonquichJörg Widmann Fantasie for Clarinet (1993)
Esa-Pekka Salonen Meeting for Clarinet and Harpsichord (1982)
Jörg Widmann Zirkustänze, Suite for Piano (2012)
Berg Four Pieces for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 5 (1913)
Schumann Fantasy Pieces for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 73 (1849)
Weber Grand duo concertant for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 48 (1815-16)
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Friday, February 17, 2023Camerata PacificaSanta Barbara Museum of Natural HistorySanta Barbara, CAwith Paul HuangProkofiev Violin Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 80more info...
Thursday, February 16, 2023Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CAwith Paul HuangProkofiev Violin Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 80more info...
Tuesday, February 14, 2023Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAwith Paul HuangProkofiev Violin Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 80more info...
Sunday, February 12, 2023Camerata PacificaThe Museum of Ventura CountyVentura, CAwith Paul HuangProkofiev Violin Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 80more info...
Sunday, February 05, 2023Seattle Chamber Music SocietyNordstrom Recital Hall at Benaroya HallSeattle, WAwith Efe BaltacigilSaint-Saëns Cello Sonata No. 1 in c minormore info...
Saturday, February 04, 2023Seattle Chamber Music SocietyNordstrom Recital Hall at Benaroya HallSeattle, WAwith Blake Pouliot, Che-Yen Chen, and Raphael BellSchumann Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47more info...
Friday, February 03, 2023Seattle Chamber Music SocietyNordstrom Recital Hall at Benaroya HallSeattle, WAwith Blake Pouliot and Efe BaltacigilBeethoven Piano Trio Op. 1, No. 3more info...
Thursday, January 26, 2023New Milestones: CMS of Lincoln CenterLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Stella Chen, Ian Rosenbaum, Anthony Manzo, and James Austin SmithHenri Dutilleux Les citations for Oboe, Bass, Harpsichord, and Percussion
Philippe Hurel Tombeau (In memoriam Gérard Grisey) for Piano and Percussion
Igor Santos as light becomes form for Violin and Bass (after poems by Pablo Neruda)
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Saturday, January 21, 2023Corpus Christi Chamber Music SocietyWolfe Recital HallCorpus Christi, TXwith Michael Brown, Nick Canellakis, and Ian RosenbaumVoyage Through the Americas: Music of Gershwin, Joplin, Villa-Lobos, Copland, and much moremore info...
Tuesday, January 17, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterThe Harris TheatreChicago, Ilwith Paul Watkins and Danbi UmSaint-Saëns Sonata No. 1 in C minor for Cello and Piano, Op. 32
Korngold Four Pieces for Violin and Piano from the Incidental Music to Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, Op. 11
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Sunday, January 15, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Paul Watkins and Danbi UmSaint-Saëns Sonata No. 1 in C minor for Cello and Piano, Op. 32
Korngold Four Pieces for Violin and Piano from the Incidental Music to Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, Op. 11
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Saturday, December 03, 2022Solo Recital as part of Focus Residency, Music@MenloSpieker Center for the ArtsMenlo Park, CAJOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH
Selections from Die Kunst der Fuge (The Art of Fugue), BWV 1080 (ca. 1742–1750)
Selections from 24 Preludes and Fugues, op. 87 (1950–1951)
Variations sérieuses in D minor, op. 54 (1841)
Prelude in C major from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I (1722)
Prelude in C minor from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I (1722)
Piano Sonata no. 32 in C minor, op. 111 (1822)
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Thursday, November 17, 2022Beethoven to Beach: CMS of Lincoln CenterSt. Cecilia Music CenterGrand Rapids, MIwith Ida Kavafian, David Finckel, Matthew Lipman, and Francesco FullanaBeethoven Variations in G major for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Op. 121a, “Kakadu” (1803, rev. 1816)
Schumann Märchenbilder for Viola and Piano, Op. 113 (1851)
Schulhoff Duo for Violin and Cello (1925)
Beach Quintet in F-sharp minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 67 (1907)
Tuesday, November 15, 2022Beethoven to Beach: CMS of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Ida Kavafian, David Finckel, Matthew Lipman, and Francesco FullanaBeethoven Variations in G major for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Op. 121a, “Kakadu” (1803, rev. 1816)
Schumann Märchenbilder for Viola and Piano, Op. 113 (1851)
Schulhoff Duo for Violin and Cello (1925)
Beach Quintet in F-sharp minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 67 (1907)
Thursday, October 27, 2022Concours de Genève: Official Jurymore info...
Thursday, October 13, 2022t of the Recital: Stella Chen and Gilles VonsattelLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYSchumann Sonata No. 1 in A minor for Violin and Piano, Op. 105 (1851)
Bacewicz Partita for Violin and Piano (1955)
Eleanor Alberga No-Man's-Land Lullaby for Violin and Piano (1996)
Grieg Sonata No. 2 in G major for Violin and Piano, Op. 13 (1867)
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Thursday, October 06, 2022CMS of Lincoln Center at Harris TheaterThe Harris TheatreChicago, IlGilles Vonsattel, piano
Stella Chen, violin
David Byrd-Marrow, horn
Sihao He, cello
James Lee III | Ekah for cello and piano
Grazyna Bacewicz | Partita for Violin and Piano
Gyorgi Ligeti | Trio for Violin, Horn, and Piano, “Hommage à Brahms”
Brahms | Trio in B major for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Op. 8
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Saturday, October 01, 2022George Benjamin and Oliver Knussen Tribute ConcertPerformance Hall, Reva and David Logan Center for the ArtsChicago, ILThe Grossman Ensemble and guests including piano soloist Gilles Vonsattel take the stage under the baton of Stefan Asbury in a riveting performance of works by Oliver Knussen and George Benjamin alongside the CCCC's first performance and Chicago premiere of a composition by founder and director Augusta Read Thomas.

Oliver Knussen: Ophelia Dances, Book I
Augusta Read Thomas: Dance Mobile (in memoriam Oliver Knussen)
George Benjamin: Shadowlines
Oliver Knussen: Songs Without Voices
George Benjamin: At First Light
George Benjamin's "Shadowlines", for solo pianomore info...
Tuesday, August 09, 2022Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNM Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMwith Martin Beaver and Peter WileyDebussy Sonatas for cello and violinmore info...
Saturday, August 06, 2022Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNM Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMwith L. P. How, Daniel Jordan, Daniel Phillips, Toby Appel, Alastair Eng, Mark Tatum, June Han, Bart Feller, Tara Helen O’ConnorBrandenburg Concerto No. 5more info...
Wednesday, August 03, 2022Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNM Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMwith Jennifer Frautschi, Ida Kavafian, Steven Tenebom, Eric KimBeach Piano Quintetmore info...
Tuesday, August 02, 2022Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival: Solo RecitalNM Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMRavel Sonatine, Heinz Holliger Elis, Debussy Images Série I + II, Debussy Masques, D'un cahier d'esquisses, and L'isle joyeusemore info...
Saturday, July 30, 2022Chamber Music NorthwestKaul AuditoriumPortland, ORProgram includes selections of solo Debussy: Reflets dans l'eau, Mouvement, and L'isle joyous, and the Franck Piano Quintet with the Parker Quartetmore info...
Thursday, July 28, 2022Chamber Music NorthwestPatricia Reser Center for the ArtsPortland, ORSelections from Tchaikovsky the Seasons. Full program includes world premiere of David Schiff's Chamber Concerto No. 2, "Vineyard Rhythms"more info...
Monday, July 25, 2022Chamber Music NorthwestKaul AuditoriumPortland, ORRhapsody in Blue with the Sinta Quartet, arranged by Alistair Colemanmore info...
Sunday, July 24, 2022Chamber Music NorthwestPSU Lincoln Performance HallPortland, ORRhapsody in Blue with the Sinta Quartet, arranged by Alistair Colemanmore info...
Sunday, July 17, 2022Kneisel HallKneisel Hall FestivalBlue Hill, MEFull concert details below.Beethoven "Kakadu Variations" Op. 121Amore info...
Friday, July 15, 2022Kneisel HallKneisel Hall FestivalBlue Hill, MEFull concert details below.Beethoven "Kakadu Variations" Op. 121Amore info...
Sunday, July 10, 2022Kneisel HallKneisel Hall FestivalBlue Hill, MEFull concert information belowAmy Beach: PIano Quintet in F-sharp Minor, Op. 67
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Friday, July 08, 2022Kneisel HallKneisel Hall FestivalBlue Hill, MEFull concert information belowAmy Beach: PIano Quintet in F-sharp Minor, Op. 67
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Sunday, July 03, 2022Kneisel HallKneisel Hall FestivalBlue Hill, MEwith Axel Strauss. Full concert info below.Ruth Crawford Seeger: Sonata for Violin and Pianomore info...
Friday, July 01, 2022Kneisel HallKneisel Hall FestivalBlue Hill, MEwith Axel Strauss. Full concert info below.Ruth Crawford Seeger: Sonata for Violin and Pianomore info...
Saturday, June 18, 2022Stanford Chamber Music SeminarStanford University CampusPalo Alto, CAwith the SLSQ, Pedja Muzijevic, Stephen Prutsman, Scott St. John, Nina Lee, Paul Wiancko, Tara Helen O'Connor, Daniel Phillips, Todd Palmer, Michael Kannen, Maria Lambrosall kinds of stuff! St. Lawrence String Quartet runs the showmore info...
Friday, June 17, 2022Great Lakes Chamber Music: Nought So Sweet as MelancholyTemple Beth ElBloomfield Hills, MIfull concert details belowSchubert Der Hirt auf dem Felsen D. 965
Schubert Fantasia in F Minor, D. 940
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Thursday, June 16, 2022Great Lakes Chamber Music: Travels in the SoundscapeTemple Beth ElBloomfield Hills, MIfull concert information belowGoldstein: Birding by Ear (world premiere)more info...
Wednesday, June 15, 2022Great Lakes Chamber Music: The Festival in ResidenceCapitol TheatreWindsor, Ontariowith Rachel Gottlieb Kalmowitz and the Rolston String QuartetDEBUSSY Ariettes oubliées
BEACH Piano Quintet in F-sharp minor, Op. 67
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Tuesday, June 14, 2022Great Lakes Chamber Music: Genius lociTemple Beth ElBloomfield Hills, MIFor full concert repertoire see link below

Clara Schumann: Scherzo No. 2 in c minor, Op. 14more info...
Saturday, June 11, 2022Mainly Mozart: K. 595Surf Cup Sports ParkSan Diego, CAMichael Francis conducts the Mainly Mozart Festival OrchestraBeethoven: Grosse Fuga (arr. String Orchestra)
Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 27
Mozart: Symphony No. 41. Jupiter
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Sunday, May 22, 2022Music in the WoodsSummer Star Wildlife Santuary: Tree Room at Trailhead HouseBoylston, MA"This forty-five acres of natural land is home to plants, streams, glacial boulders, and wild animals.." Heinz Holliger: Elis: Drei Nachstücke für Klavier
Claude Debussy: Images, Books I and II
Johann Sebastian Bach: Overture in the French Style BWV 831
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Thursday, May 12, 2022New Voices from the 1930s - The Orchestra NowCarnegie Hall - Stern AuditoriumNew York, NYwith The Orchestra Now; Leon Botstein conductsCarlos Chávez Piano Concertomore info...
Sunday, May 08, 2022New Voices from the 1930s - The Orchestra NowFisher Center at Bard CollegeAnnendale-on-Hudson, NYwith The Orchestra Now; Leon Botstein conductsCarlos Chávez Piano Concertomore info...
Saturday, May 07, 2022New Voices from the 1930s - The Orchestra NowFisher Center at Bard CollegeAnnendale-on-Hudson, NYwith The Orchestra Now; Leon Botstein conductsCarlos Chávez Piano Concertomore info...
Thursday, May 05, 2022Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Arnaud Sussmann, Matthew Lipman, James Thompson, Nicholas Canellakis, and Anthony Manzo
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Quintet in G minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 1
Louise Farrenc Quintet in A minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass, Op. 30
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Thursday, May 05, 2022Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Arnaud Sussmann, Matthew Lipman, James Thompson, Nicholas Canellakis, and Anthony Manzo
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Quintet in G minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 1
Louise Farrenc Quintet in A minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass, Op. 30
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Saturday, April 30, 2022Syracuse Friends of Chamber MusicSt. Paul's Episcopal Church Syracuse, NYwith Sarah Vonsattel, Melissa Reardon, and Julia BruskinMozart: Piano Quartet in G Minor, K. 478
Amy Beach: Piano Trio, op. 150
Dvořák: Piano Quartet no. 2 in E-flat Major, op. 87
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Sunday, April 24, 2022Camerata PacificaVentura MuseumVentura, CAwith Kristen Lee, Ani Aznavoorian, and Melissa ReardonBach: Overture in the French Style, BWV 831
Handel/Halvorsen: Passacaglia for Violin & Cello
Schumann Piano Quartet, Op. 47
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Friday, April 22, 2022Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CAwith Kristen Lee, Ani Aznavoorian, and Melissa ReardonBach: Overture in the French Style, BWV 831
Handel/Halvorsen: Passacaglia for Violin & Cello
Schumann Piano Quartet, Op. 47
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Thursday, April 21, 2022Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CAwith Kristen Lee, Ani Aznavoorian, and Melissa ReardonBach: Overture in the French Style, BWV 831
Handel/Halvorsen: Passacaglia for Violin & Cello
Schumann Piano Quartet, Op. 47
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Tuesday, April 19, 2022Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAwith Kristen Lee, Ani Aznavoorian, and Melissa ReardonBach: Overture in the French Style, BWV 831
Handel/Halvorsen: Passacaglia for Violin & Cello
Schumann Piano Quartet, Op. 47
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Thursday, April 14, 2022New Milestones: Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Terrence Wilson and Alexi KenneyJeffrey Mumford amid fleeting pockets of billowing radiance for Cello (1990)
Salina Fisher Kintsugi for Piano, Violin, and Cello (2020)
Clarence Barlow 1981 for Piano, Violin, and Cello (1981)
Jeffrey Mumford let us breathe for Cello (2020)
Julius Eastman Gay Guerrilla for Two Pianos (1979)
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Wednesday, April 06, 2022Aspect Chamber Music SeriesBohemian National Hall - Grand BallroomNew York, NYwith Grace Park and Zlatomir FungSmetana – Piano Trio, Op.15
Dvorak – Piano Trio No.3, Op.65
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Sunday, March 27, 2022Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on Tour Walter S. Gubelmann AuditoriumPalm Beach, FLwith Wu Han, David Finckel, Richard Lin, James Thompson, and Matthew LipmanGottschalk The Union, Concert Paraphrase on National Airs for Piano, Op. 48
L. Boulanger Trois Morceaux for Piano
Copland Vitebsk, Study on a Jewish Theme for Piano, Violin, and Cello
Ravel Sonata for Violin and Piano
Walker Lyric for String Quartet
Milhaud La création du monde for Piano Quintet, Op. 81
Gershwin An American in Paris for Two Pianos
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Tuesday, March 15, 2022Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Arnaud Sussmann, Yura Lee, Alexi Kenney, and David RequiroMozart Quartet in G minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, K. 478
Mendelssohn Quintet No. 1 in A major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Cello, Op. 18
Strauss Quartet in C minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 13
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Sunday, March 06, 202292nd Y presents Musicians from the NYP and Gilles Vonsattel92nd Street YNew York, NYwith Sheryl Staples, Rebecca Young, and Eileen Moon-MyersC. Schumann, Notturno, Op. 6, No. 2
C. Schumann, Scherzo No. 2, Op. 14
Beethoven, String Trio in G Major, Op. 9, No. 1
C. Schumann, Three Pieces for violin and piano, Op. 22
Brahms, Piano Quartet No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 60
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Wednesday, February 02, 2022Arizona Friends of Chamber Music Leo Rich TheaterTucson, AZwith Yura LeeBeethoven Sonata for Violin and Piano in C Minor Op 30/2
Beethoven Piano Sonata Op. 53 "Waldstein"
Schubert Fantasy in C Major for Violin and Piano
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Sunday, January 23, 2022Seattle Chamber Music Society Winter FestivalThe Center for Chamber MusicSeattle, WAwith Amy Schwarz Moretti, Tessa Lark, Jonathan Vinocour, and Bion TsangDvorak Piano Quintet No. 2 in A Major, Op. 81more info...
Saturday, January 22, 2022Seattle Chamber Music Society Winter FestivalThe Center for Chamber MusicSeattle, WAwith James Ehnes, Amy Schwarz Moretti, Jonathan Vinocour, and Bion TsangShostakovich Quintet for Piano and Strings in G minor Op. 57more info...
Friday, January 21, 2022Seattle Chamber Music Society Winter FestivalThe Center for Chamber MusicSeattle, WAwith Amy Schwarz MorettiBeethoven Piano Sonata Op. 53 "Waldstein"
Beethoven Sonata for Violin and Piano in G Major Op. 30/3
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Sunday, January 09, 2022Chamber Music SedonaSedona Performing Arts CenterSedona, AZwith Michael Brown, Nicholas Canellakis, and Ian RosenbaumAaron Copland – El Salón México
Leonard Bernstein – Three Meditations from Mass for cello, piano, and percussion
Samuel Barber – Souvenirs for Piano, Four Hands, op. 28
Osvaldo Golijov – Mariel for Cello and Marimba
Heitor Villa-Lobos – A maré encheu and O Polichinelo
Alberto Ginastera – Pampeana no. 2, Rhapsody for Cello and Piano, op. 21
Scott Joplin – Solace: A Mexican Serenade and The Ragtime Dance
George Gershwin – Cuban Overture for Piano, Four Hands, and Percussion
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Sunday, December 12, 2021Solo Bach: Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYFrench Suite in b minor, BWV 814more info...
Friday, December 10, 2021Solo Bach: Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYFrench Suite in b minor, BWV 814more info...
Sunday, November 28, 2021China Inspirations: China Arts and Entertainment GroupAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Wu Man, Stella Chen, Kristin Lee, Paul Neubauer, Tara Helen 0'Connor, Sihao He, and David ShifrinMusic of Zhou Long, Chen Yi, Ye Xiaogang, Tan Dun, Bun-Ching Lam, and Dai Weimore info...
Friday, November 19, 2021Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CABeethoven Waldstein Sonatamore info...
Thursday, November 18, 2021Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CABeethoven Waldstein Sonatamore info...
Tuesday, November 16, 2021Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CABeethoven Waldstein Sonatamore info...
Sunday, November 14, 2021Camerata PacificaVentura MuseumVentura, CABeethoven Waldstein Sonatamore info...
Saturday, November 13, 2021South Carolina PhilharmonicKoger Center for the ArtsColumbia, SCMorihiko Nakahara conductsBrandenburg: Concerto No. 6 in Bb Major, BWV 1051
Eve Tang & Scott Garrett, violas

Shostakovich: Piano Concerto No. 1 in C minor, op. 35; Gilles Vonsattel, piano and James Ackley, trumpet

Mozart: Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550
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Saturday, November 06, 2021Waldstein and AppassionataBridgehampton Presbyterian Church (Parlor House)Bridgehampton, NYBeethoven Piano Sonatas Op. 57 and Op. 53more info...
Thursday, November 04, 2021Beethoven and Bach in BezansonUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MABeethoven Sonata in f minor Op. 57 "Appassionata"
Bach French Suite No. 4 in b minor
Beethoven Sonata in C Major Op. 53 "Waldstein"
Friday, October 22, 2021Music@Menlo: Voyage Through the AmericasMusic@MenloAtherton, CAwith Michael Brown, Nicholas Canellakis, and Ian RosenbaumSAMUEL BARBER
Souvenirs for Piano, Four Hands, op. 28 (1951–1952, arr. 1952)
Solace: A Mexican Serenade for Solo Piano (1909); The Ragtime Dance for Solo Piano (1902)
Cuban Overture for Piano, Four Hands, and Percussion (1932; four hands version arr. Gershwin, 1933)

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Sunday, October 10, 2021Camerata PacificaVentura MuseumVentura, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani AznavoorianFranck: Violin Sonata in A Major
Corigliano: The Red Violin Caprices
Smetana: Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 15
Friday, October 08, 2021Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani AznavoorianFranck: Violin Sonata in A Major
Corigliano: The Red Violin Caprices
Smetana: Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 15
Thursday, October 07, 2021Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani AznavoorianFranck: Violin Sonata in A Major
Corigliano: The Red Violin Caprices
Smetana: Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 15
Tuesday, October 05, 2021Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani AznavoorianFranck: Violin Sonata in A Major
Corigliano: The Red Violin Caprices
Smetana: Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 15
Friday, August 27, 2021Time Spans: Anthony Cheung PortraitMary Flager Cary Hall, DiMenna Center for Classical MusicNew York, NYwith the Spektral QuartetAnthony Cheung's All Roads for Piano and String Quartetmore info...
Saturday, August 07, 2021Classical Tahoe: Beethoven Concerto No. 3Classical Tahoewith Tito Muñoz and the Tahoe Classical Orchestra

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Wednesday, July 28, 2021Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival presents Barber, Haas, and SchumSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMwith Benny Kim and Keith RobinsonSchumann Piano Trio in g minor, Op. 110
Sunday, July 25, 2021Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival presents Takemitsu, Ligeti, and Santa Fe, NMwith Alan Gilbert and Stefan DohrLigeti Horn Triomore info...
Thursday, July 22, 2021Solo Recital, Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMCAGE Selections from Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano
BACH Overture in the French Style in B Minor, BWV 831
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Friday, July 16, 2021Norfolk Chamber Music FestivalFauré c minor piano quartet and moremore info...
Saturday, June 26, 2021Summer Evenings Outdoors: BrahmsDamrosch BandshellNew York, NYwith Ida Kavafian, Paul Watkins, and Matthew LipmanBrahms g minor piano quartetmore info...
Thursday, June 17, 2021Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: Artist SeriesThis event will stream online for free.Beethoven Trio in B-flat major for Clarinet (or Violin), Cello, and Piano, Op. 11 (1797)
Dussek The Sufferings of the Queen of France for Piano, Op. 23 (1793)
Liszt “Funérailles” from Harmonies poétiques et religieuses for Piano (1849)
Rzewski “Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues” from Four North American Ballads for Piano (1978-79)
Anderson Carmen Fantasy for Two Pianos (2010)

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Friday, June 04, 2021Detroit Symphony OrchestraOrchestra HallDetroit, MIKent Nagano conductsMozart Piano Concerto in C Major K. 467more info...
Sunday, May 23, 2021Spoleto USAThe Dock Street TheaterCharleston, SCwith the St. Lawrence Quartet, Todd Palmer, Hsin-Yun Huang, and many moremany, many live concerts over a 2 week period! Repertoire includes the Thuille Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Mozart Kegelstatt Trio, Wagner/Liszt Liebestod, and more
Saturday, May 01, 2021Musical Masterworkswith Edward Arron and Tessa LarkHandel: Sonata in D major for Violin and Keyboard, HWV 371
Ives: Piano Trio
Mendelssohn: Piano Trio in d minor, Opus 49
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Monday, April 19, 2021CMS of Lincoln Center: The Art of Interpretationwith Wu Hanfocus on Louise Farrenc, Emma Bardac, Lili Boulanger, and Misia Sert, by way of:

Farrenc Air russe Varié for Piano (1835)
Boulanger Trois Morceaux for Piano (1914)
Fauré Dolly Suite for Piano, Four Hands, Op. 56 (1894-96)
Debussy Petite Suite for Piano, Four Hands (1886-89)
Ravel La Valse for Piano, Four Hands (1920)
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Thursday, April 08, 2021CMS of Lincoln Center: New Milestones 4with Ian Rosenbaum and Brendan KaneMalika Kishino Monochromer Garten VI for Viola (2015)
Patrick Castillo Incident for Violin and Piano (2015) Original performance March 29, 2018
Thomas Meadowcroft Cradles for Percussion Duo with Wurlitzer e-Piano (2013) Original performance January 16, 2020
Juri Seo #three for Piano, Percussion, and Bass (2015)
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Thursday, April 01, 2021Chamber Music Society of Palm BeachThe BreakersPalm Beach, FLwith Arnaud Sussmann, Benjamin Beilman, and Guy Johnston Beethoven Piano Quartet
Schumann Piano Quartet
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Sunday, March 14, 2021Music@Menlo Online Event: Les Parisienneswith Wu HanLouise Farrenc Air russe varié for solo piano
Fauré Dolly Suite
Debussy Petite Suite
Lili Boulanger Trois morceau for solo piano
Ravel La Valse
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Saturday, February 27, 2021Hunstville SymphonyMark C. Smith Concert HallHuntsville, ALGregory Vajda conductsShostakovich Piano Concerto No. 1more info...
Saturday, January 09, 2021Augusta SymphonyMiller Theater/LiveStreamAugust, GADirk Meyer conductsBeethoven Piano Concerto No. 1 more info...
Tuesday, October 27, 2020Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: The Art of InterpretatiLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYLive performance streamed from the Rose Studio, and lecture demonstration.Debussy Images complete for solo pianomore info...
Friday, September 18, 2020Berner SymphonieorchesterCasino Berne, Grosser SaalBern, SwitzerlandMario Venzago conductsRICHARD STRAUSS 1864 – 1949
Panathenäenzug op. 74. Symphonische Etüden in Form einer Passacaglia für Klavier (linke Hand) und Orchester (1927) (28’)

ANTON BRUCKNER 1824 – 1896
Symphonie Nr. 4 Es-Dur «Romantische»
(1874, 1878 – 80, rev. 1881, 1886) (66’)
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Thursday, September 17, 2020Berner SymphonieorchesterCasino Berne, Grosser SaalBern, SwitzerlandMario Venzago conductsRICHARD STRAUSS 1864 – 1949
Panathenäenzug op. 74. Symphonische Etüden in Form einer Passacaglia für Klavier (linke Hand) und Orchester (1927) (28’)

ANTON BRUCKNER 1824 – 1896
Symphonie Nr. 4 Es-Dur «Romantische»
(1874, 1878 – 80, rev. 1881, 1886) (66’)
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Sunday, August 09, 2020Classical TahoeIncline Village, NVWhitney Crockett, Bassoon
Timothy Dilenschneider, Bass
Désirée Elsevier, Viola
Daniel Gilbert, Clarinet
Kristi Helberg, Violin
Nathan Hughes, Solo Oboe
Guy Piddington, Trumpet
Daniel Khalikov, Solo Violin
Saeunn Thorsteinsdottir, Cello
Gilles Vonsattel, Piano
Sarah Vonsattel, Violin
Bach: Concerto for Oboe and Violin in c minor, BWV 1060
Debussy, arr. K. Cooper: Sonata “No. 5” (World Premiere)
Fauré: Piano Quartet No. 1 in c minor, Op. 15
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Saturday, August 08, 2020Classical TahoeIncline Village, NVWhitney Crockett, Bassoon
Timothy Dilenschneider, Bass
Désirée Elsevier, Viola
Daniel Gilbert, Clarinet
Kristi Helberg, Violin
Nathan Hughes, Solo Oboe
Guy Piddington, Trumpet
Daniel Khalikov, Solo Violin
Saeunn Thorsteinsdottir, Cello
Gilles Vonsattel, Piano
Sarah Vonsattel, Violin
Bach: Concerto for Oboe and Violin in c minor, BWV 1060
Debussy, arr. K. Cooper: Sonata “No. 5” (World Premiere)
Fauré: Piano Quartet No. 1 in c minor, Op. 15
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Friday, August 07, 2020Classical TahoeIncline Valley, NVWhitney Crockett, Bassoon
Timothy Dilenschneider, Bass
Désirée Elsevier, Viola
Daniel Gilbert, Clarinet
Laura Hamilton, Viola
Kristi Helberg, Violin
Nathan Hughes, Oboe
Guy Piddington, Trumpet
Daniel Khalikov, Violin
Saeunn Thorsteinsdottir, Cello
Gilles Vonsattel, Piano
Sarah Vonsattel, Violin
Vivaldi: Concerto for Bassoon and Strings in G Major, RV 492
Mozart: Oboe Quartet in F Major, K. 370
Bruch: Selections from Eight Pieces for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, Op. 83
Liszt: Transcendental Etude No. 10
Saint-Saëns: Septet in E-flat Major, Op. 65
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Thursday, August 06, 2020Classical TahoeIncline Valley, NVWhitney Crockett, Bassoon
Timothy Dilenschneider, Bass
Désirée Elsevier, Viola
Daniel Gilbert, Clarinet
Laura Hamilton, Viola
Kristi Helberg, Violin
Nathan Hughes, Oboe
Guy Piddington, Trumpet
Daniel Khalikov, Violin
Saeunn Thorsteinsdottir, Cello
Gilles Vonsattel, Piano
Sarah Vonsattel, Violin
Vivaldi: Concerto for Bassoon and Strings in G Major, RV 492
Mozart: Oboe Quartet in F Major, K. 370
Bruch: Selections from Eight Pieces for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, Op. 83
Liszt: Transcendental Etude No. 10
Saint-Saëns: Septet in E-flat Major, Op. 65
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Sunday, August 02, 2020Classical TahoeIncline Village, NVKatarzyna Bryla-Weiss, Viola
Emmanuel Ceysson, Harp
David Cooper, Horn
Érik Gratton, Flute
Laura Hamilton, Viola
Jake Heggie, Piano*
Simon James, Violin
Gilles Vonsattel, Piano
Frederica von Stade, Mezzo-Soprano*
Xiao-Dong Wang, Violin
Peter Wyrick, Cello
Mozart: Quintet for Horn and Strings in E-flat Major, K. 407
French Pieces for Flute and Harp: Works by Debussy, Saint-Saëns, and Fauré
Works for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano by Mahler, Heggie, and Kern*
Franck: Piano Quintet in f minor
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Saturday, August 01, 2020Classical TahoeIncline Village, NVKatarzyna Bryla-Weiss, Viola
Emmanuel Ceysson, Harp
David Cooper, Horn
Érik Gratton, Flute
Laura Hamilton, Viola
Jake Heggie, Piano*
Simon James, Violin
Gilles Vonsattel, Piano
Frederica von Stade, Mezzo-Soprano*
Xiao-Dong Wang, Violin
Peter Wyrick, Cello
Mozart: Quintet for Horn and Strings in E-flat Major, K. 407
French Pieces for Flute and Harp: Works by Debussy, Saint-Saëns, and Fauré
Works for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano by Mahler, Heggie, and Kern*
Franck: Piano Quintet in f minor
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Friday, July 31, 2020Classical TahoeIncline Village, NVKatarzyna Bryla-Weiss, Viola
Emmanuel Ceysson, Harp
David Cooper, Horn
Érik Gratton, Flute
Laura Hamilton, Violin
Jake Heggie, Piano*
Simon James, Violin
Gilles Vonsattel, Piano
Frederica von Stade, Mezzo-Soprano *
Xiao-Dong Wang, Violin
Peter Wyrick, Cello
Beethoven: Serenade in D Major, Op. 25
Debussy: Danses sacrée et profane
Zabel: Fantasy on Themes from Gounod’s Faust, Op. 12, for solo harp
Works for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano by Mahler, Heggie, and Kern*
Brahms: Horn Trio in E-flat Major, Op. 40
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Thursday, July 30, 2020Classical TahoeIncline Village, NVKatarzyna Bryla-Weiss, Viola
Emmanuel Ceysson, Harp
David Cooper, Horn
Érik Gratton, Flute
Laura Hamilton, Violin
Jake Heggie, Piano*
Simon James, Violin
Gilles Vonsattel, Piano
Frederica von Stade, Mezzo-Soprano *
Xiao-Dong Wang, Violin
Peter Wyrick, Cello
Beethoven: Serenade in D Major, Op. 25
Debussy: Danses sacrée et profane
Zabel: Fantasy on Themes from Gounod’s Faust, Op. 12, for solo harp
Works for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano by Mahler, Heggie, and Kern*
Brahms: Horn Trio in E-flat Major, Op. 40
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Friday, April 03, 2020Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYGilles Vonsattel, Piano
Alexi Kenney, Violin
Arnaud Sussmann, Violin
Yura Lee, Viola
Richard O’Neill, Viola
David Requiro, Cello
Mozart Quartet in G minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, K. 478 (1785)

Mendelssohn Quintet No. 1 in A major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Cello, Op. 18 (1826; rev. 1832)

Strauss Quartet in C minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 13 (1883-84)
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Sunday, March 29, 2020Chamber Music Society on TourUniversity of GeorgiaAthens, GAGilles Vonsattel, Piano
Alexi Kenney, Violin
Arnaud Sussmann, Violin
Yura Lee, Viola
Richard O’Neill, Viola
David Requiro, Cello
Mozart Quartet in G minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, K. 478 (1785)

Mendelssohn Quintet No. 1 in A major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Cello, Op. 18 (1826; rev. 1832)

Strauss Quartet in C minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 13 (1883-84)
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Friday, March 27, 2020Chamber Music Society on TourMelbourne Chamber Music SocietyMelbourne, FLGilles Vonsattel, Piano
Alexi Kenney, Violin
Arnaud Sussmann, Violin
Yura Lee, Viola
Richard O’Neill, Viola
David Requiro, Cello
Mozart Quartet in G minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, K. 478 (1785)

Mendelssohn Quintet No. 1 in A major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Cello, Op. 18 (1826; rev. 1832)

Strauss Quartet in C minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 13 (1883-84)
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Thursday, March 26, 2020Chamber Music Society on TourThe Harris TheatreChicago, IlGilles Vonsattel, Piano
Alexi Kenney, Violin
Arnaud Sussmann, Violin
Yura Lee, Viola
Richard O’Neill, Viola
David Requiro, Cello
Mozart Quartet in G minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, K. 478 (1785)

Mendelssohn Quintet No. 1 in A major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Cello, Op. 18 (1826; rev. 1832)

Strauss Quartet in C minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 13 (1883-84)
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Sunday, March 22, 2020Chamber Music Society on TourVancouver PlayhouseVancouver, BCGilles Vonsattel, Piano
Alexi Kenney, Violin
Arnaud Sussmann, Violin
Yura Lee, Viola
Richard O’Neill, Viola
David Requiro, Cello
Mozart Quartet in G minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, K. 478 (1785)

Mendelssohn Quintet No. 1 in A major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Cello, Op. 18 (1826; rev. 1832)

Strauss Quartet in C minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 13 (1883-84)
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Thursday, February 27, 2020Aspect Chamber Music SeriesBohemian National Hall - Grand BallroomNew York, NYwith Grace Park, violin, and the Calidore String QuartetDebussy Violin Sonata
Debussy D'un cahier d'esquisses
Debussy L'isle joyeuse
Chausson Concert for violin, piano, and string quartet
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Saturday, February 15, 2020Trio Valtorna - Coastal ConcertsBethel United Methodist Church HallLewes, DETrio Valtorna - Ida Kavafian, violin, and David Jolley, hornHarbison "Twilight Music", Ravel Violin Sonata, Brahms Horn Trio
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Thursday, February 13, 2020Trio Valtorna - Birmingham Chamber Music SocietyJane Hollock Brock Recital HallBirmingham, ALTrio Valtorna - Ida Kavafian, violin, and David Jolley, hornHarbison "Twilight Music", Ravel Violin Sonata, Brahms Horn Trio
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Sunday, January 19, 2020The Florida Orchestra - Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 3Mahaffey TheaterSt. Petersburg, FLMichael Francis conductsRimsky-Korsakov: Golden Cockerel Intro/ Wedding March
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3
Stravinsky: Pulcinella (Ballet in One Act)
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Saturday, January 18, 2020The Florida Orchestra - Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 3Mahaffey TheaterSt. Petersburg, FLMichael Francis conductsRimsky-Korsakov: Golden Cockerel Intro/ Wedding March
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3
Stravinsky: Pulcinella (Ballet in One Act)
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Friday, January 17, 2020The Florida Orchestra - Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 3Straz CenterTampa Bay, FLMichael Francis conductsRimsky-Korsakov: Golden Cockerel Intro/ Wedding March
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3
Stravinsky: Pulcinella (Ballet in One Act)
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Sunday, January 12, 2020Beares Premiere Music FestivalJC Cube, Tai KwunHong KongDavid Washburn, Aaron Boyd, So-Ock Kim, Paul Neubauer, Narek Hakkhnazaryan, DaXun Zhang, Gilles VonsattelSaint-Saëns Septet for trumpet, strings, and piano in E-flat Major, Op. 65
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Friday, January 10, 2020Beares Premiere Music FestivalJC Cube, Tai KwunHong Kong

Schumann Three Romances for Oboe and Piano, Op. 94
Gordon Hunt, Gilles Vonsattel

Brahms Horn Trio in E-flat major, Op. 40
Arnaud Sussmann, Radovan Vlatkovic, Gilles Vonsattel
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Wednesday, November 20, 2019Arizona Friends of Chamber Music: Naumburg TrioLeo Rich TheaterTucson, AZwith Frank Huang and David RequiroLudwig van Beethoven: Piano Trio in E-flat Major, WoO 38
Dmitri Shostakovich: Piano Trio No. 1 in C Minor, Op. 8
Franz Schubert: Piano Trio No. 2 in E-flat Major, D. 929
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Friday, November 15, 2019Slee Visiting Artist Series: Duo Recital with Frank HuangLippes Concert HallBuffalo, NYBeethoven Sonata Op. 12/3, Prokofiev Sonata No. 1 in f minor, Beethoven Sonata Op. 47 "Kreutzer"more info...
Wednesday, November 13, 2019CMS on TourTeatro Mayor, Main HallBogota, ColombiaSuk Quartet in A minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 1 (1891)
Schoenfield Trio for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano (1986)
Schumann Quintet in E-flat major for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 44 (1842)
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Tuesday, November 12, 2019CMS on TourTeatro Mayor, Main HallBogota, Colombiawith Wu Han, Bella Hristova, Arnaud Sussman, Paul Neubauer, José Franch-Ballester, and Clive GreensmithMozart Sonata in C major for Piano, Four Hands, K. 521 (1787)
Weber Quintet in B-flat major for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34 (1811-15)
Fauré Quartet No. 1 in C minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 15 (1876-79)
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Thursday, November 07, 2019Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center: New MilestonesLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Tara Helen O'Connor, Mihai Marica, and James Austin SmithRuth Crawford Seeger Diaphonic Suite No. 4 for Oboe and Cello (1930)
John Corigliano The Food of Love for Oboe and Cello (World Premiere) (2018)
John Cage Selected Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano (1946-48)
Elliott Carter Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello, and Harpsichord (1952)
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Thursday, October 24, 2019Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith David Shifrin, Eric Reed, Francisco Fulluna, Paul Neubauer, Mihai MaricaPenderecki Sextet for Clarinet, Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Piano (2000)
Dohnányi Sextet in C major for Clarinet, Horn, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Piano, Op. 37 (1935)
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Sunday, October 20, 2019Musical MasterworksFirst Congregational Church of Old LymeOld Lyme, CTwith Stefan Jackiw and Edward ArronMozart: Sonata in G Major for Violin and Piano, K. 379
Ravel: Piano Trio in a minor
Schumann: Piano Trio in d minor, Opus 63
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Saturday, October 19, 2019Musical MasterworksFirst Congregational Church of Old LymeOld Lyme, CTwith Stefan Jackiw and Edward ArronMozart: Sonata in G Major for Violin and Piano, K. 379
Ravel: Piano Trio in a minor
Schumann: Piano Trio in d minor, Opus 63
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Tuesday, October 08, 2019Camerata PacificaRothenburg Hall, the HuntingtonSan Marino, CASchubert Piano Sonata D. 960more info...
Sunday, October 06, 2019Camerata PacificaMuseum of Ventura CountyVentura, CASchubert Piano Sonata D. 960more info...
Friday, October 04, 2019Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CASchubert Piano Sonata D. 960more info...
Thursday, October 03, 2019Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CASchubert Piano Sonata D. 960more info...
Friday, September 13, 2019Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani AznavoorianAuerbach 24 Preludes for Violin & Piano
Beethoven Piano Trio in B-flat Major, Op. 97, “Archduke”
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Thursday, September 12, 2019Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani AznavoorianAuerbach 24 Preludes for Violin & Piano
Beethoven Piano Trio in B-flat Major, Op. 97, “Archduke”
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Tuesday, September 10, 2019Camerata PacificaRothenburg Hall, the HuntingtonSan Marino, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani AznavoorianAuerbach 24 Preludes for Violin & Piano
Beethoven Piano Trio in B-flat Major, Op. 97, “Archduke”
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Sunday, September 08, 2019Camerata PacificaMuseum of Ventura CountyVentura, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani AznavoorianAuerbach 24 Preludes for Violin & Piano
Beethoven Piano Trio in B-flat Major, Op. 97, “Archduke”
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Saturday, August 31, 2019Open Air Concert - Philharmonisches Staatsorchester HamburgKent Nagano conductsGeorge Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue

Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Op. 68
Sunday, August 18, 2019Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Marya Martin, Paul Watkins, Anthony Marwood, Yura Lee, and Matthew LipmanMozart Flute Quartet in D major, K. 285
Esmail Saans (Breath) for Piano Trio
Brahms Piano Quintet in F minor, Op. 34
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Saturday, August 17, 2019Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Marya Martin and Paul Watkins

Copland Duo for Flute and Piano
Debussy Sonata for Cello and Piano in D minor
Tsontakis Selected "Knickknacks" for Violin and Viola
Schubert "Fantasie" in F minor for Piano Four Hands, D. 940
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Wednesday, August 14, 2019Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian Church Bridgehampton, NYwith Anthony Marwood, Paul Watkins, and Cynthia PhelpsHorn Quintet in E-flat major, K. 407
Gaubert "Three Aquarelles" for Flute, Cello, and Piano
Clyne "Rest These Hands" for Solo Violin
Fauré Piano Quartet No. 1 in C minor, Op. 15
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Sunday, August 11, 2019Bard Music Festival: Before the Reich: Korngold and Fellow ConseOlin Hall, Bard CollegeAnnandale-on-Hudson, New YorkFranz Schmidt: Toccata for piano left-hand, for Paul Wittgenstein
Braunfels: from Preludes, Op. 33
Tuesday, August 06, 2019Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, Solo RecitalNew Mexico Museum of Arthttps://secure.santafechambermusic.com/5267/5268J. S. BACH Three Contrapuncti from The Art of Fugue

MENDELSSOHN Variations sérieuses in D Minor, Op. 54

SHOSTAKOVICH Prelude and Fugue in A Major, Op. 87, No. 7

J. S. BACH Prelude No. 1 in C Major, BWV 846

BEETHOVEN Piano Sonata in C Minor, Op. 111
Monday, August 05, 2019Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSanta Fe, NMwith the Orion Quartet, Choon-Jin Chang, Jennifer Gilbert, and Mark KosowerFRANÇAIX String Trio

TAKEMITSU A Bird Came Down the Walk for Viola & Piano

MOZART String Quartet in A Major, K. 464

SCHUBERT Piano Trio in B-flat Major, D. 898
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Sunday, August 04, 2019Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSanta Fe, NMwith the Orion Quartet, Choon-Jin Chang, Jennifer Gilbert, and Mark KosowerFRANÇAIX String Trio

TAKEMITSU A Bird Came Down the Walk for Viola & Piano

MOZART String Quartet in A Major, K. 464

SCHUBERT Piano Trio in B-flat Major, D. 898
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Saturday, August 03, 2019Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNM Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMwith Choong-Jin ChangJ. S. BACH Sonata in D Major for Viola da Gamba & Keyboard, BWV 1028
J. S. BACH Sonata in G Minor for Viola da Gamba & Keyboard, BWV 1029
J. S. BACH Suite No. 3 in C Major for Cello, BWV 1009
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Wednesday, July 31, 2019Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNM Museum of Artwith Paul NeubauerSHOSTAKOVICH Sonata for Viola & Piano, Op. 147more info...
Saturday, July 27, 2019Music@Menlo, Concert Program VThe Center for Performing Arts at Menlo-AthertonAtherton, Californiawith Wu Han, and the Schumann QuartetJosef Suk Piano Quartet in a minor, op. 1 (1891)
Sergei Rachmaninov Suite no. 1 for Two Pianos, op. 5, Fantaisie-tableaux (1893)
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Friday, July 19, 2019New@noon, Chamber Music NorthwestLincoln Recital Hall, PSUwith Katie Hyun and Fred SherryHELMUT LACHENMANN Ein Kinderspiel for Solo Piano (1980)
LEON KIRCHNER Trio No. 1 (1954)
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Thursday, July 18, 2019Cinematic Sounds: Chamber Music NorthwestKaul AuditoriumPortland, ORROTA Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano (1973)

BERNARD HERRMANN Souvenirs de Voyage Quintet for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola and Cello (1967)

KORNGOLD Quintet in E Major for Piano, Two Violins, Viola and Cello, Op. 15 (1921-22)
with David Shifrin, Paul Neubauer, Katie Hyun, Theodore Arm, and Fred Sherrymore info...
Wednesday, July 17, 2019Fred Sherry CelebrationAlberta Rose Theatrewith Fred Sherry, David Shifrin, Edgar Meyer, Katie Hyun, Theodore Arm, George Meyer, and Cornelia HeardELLIOTT CARTER Figment for Solo Cello (1994)

ELLIOTT CARTER Elegy for Cello and Piano (1944, rev. 2007)

LEON KIRCHNER Trio No. 1 (1954)

HAYDN Quartet for Strings in D Minor, Op. 42, No. 35

BACH Duets from the Cantatas (transcribed by Fred Sherry)

EDGAR MEYER Trio No. 3 for Violin, Cello and Bass (1998)

CHARLES WUORINEN Fortune for Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Piano (1979)
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Sunday, July 14, 2019German Romantics: Chamber Music NorthwestLincoln Performance HallPortland, ORwith the Miró QuartetC. SCHUMANN Three Romances for Violin and Piano
MENDELSSOHN Variations Sérieuses for Solo Piano
R. SCHUMANN Märchenbilder for Viola and Piano, Op. 113
BRAHMS Quartet for Piano, Violin, Viola and Cello No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 60
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Friday, July 12, 2019New@noon, Chamber Music NorthwestLincoln Recital Hall, PSURzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Bluesmore info...
Thursday, June 27, 2019Peasmarsh Chamber Music FestivalThe Church of Peter and St. PaulPeasmarsh, UKNine concerts in four days, June 27-30th. Musicians include Anthony Marwood, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Lilli Maijala, and Richard Lester.more info...
Saturday, June 15, 2019Naumburg TrioTannery Pond Concertswith Frank Huang and David RequiroBeethoven Piano Trio Op. 1, No. 1
Shostakovich Piano Trio No. 1
Tchaikovsky Piano Trio
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Monday, May 20, 2019CMS 2019 Spring GalaAlice Tully HallNew York, NYClaude Debussy Petite Suite for Piano, Four Hands (1886-89)
Claude Debussy “Clair de lune” for Piano, Six Hands (c. 1890, rev. 1905) (arr. Anderson)
Maurice Ravel La Valse for Two Pianos (1920)
Georges Bizet Carmen Fantasy for Two Pianos (1873-74) (arr. Anderson)
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Friday, May 17, 2019Dvorak Piano Quintet with the Jasper String QuartetMoravian College - Foy Concert HallBethlehem, PAHaydn Quartet in C Major, Op. 76, No. 3, “Emperor”
Akira Nishimura String Quartet No. 2, “Pulse of the Lights” (1992)
Dvořák Piano Quintet No. 2 in A Major, Op. 81
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Saturday, May 04, 2019Lincoln Center 60th Anniversary Block PartyLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Kristin LeeGershwin-Heifetz Preludes for Violin and Piano
Mendelssohn Variations sérieuses
Clara Schumann Romances for Violin and Piano
Ravel Sonata for Violin and Piano
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Friday, April 26, 2019Wolf TrapThe BarnsVienna, VAwith Wu Han and Gloria ChienMozart Andante and 5 Variations in G major, K.501
Schubert Fantasy in F minor for four hands
Mendelssohn Andante e Allegro Brilliant
Debussy Petite Suite
Stravinsky The Rite of Spring
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Friday, April 12, 2019Opening Concert, UMass Bach FestivalUMass Amherst Fine Arts Center - Bezanson Recital HallAmherst, MABach Selections from The Art of the Fugue
Shostakovich Prelude and Fugue in A Major, No. 7
Mendelssohn Variations sérieuses
Bach Prelude in C Major
Beethoven Sonata in c minor, Op. 111
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Sunday, March 24, 2019Parlance Chamber Concerts - Bach Birthday ConcertWest Side Presbyterian ChurchRidgewood, NJBach Keyboard Concerto in d minor, BWV 1043
Bach Violin and Keyboard Sonata in E Major, BWV 1016
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Tuesday, March 19, 2019Winter Festival III - Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAilce Tully Hallwith Chad Hoopes, Clive Greensmith, and Gil KalishStravinsky Five Easy Pieces for Piano, Four Hands
Tchaikovsky Piano Trio
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Friday, March 15, 2019Brooklyn Chamber Music SocietyFirst Unitarian ChurchBrooklyn, NYGilles Vonsattel, piano
Pamela Frank, violin
Carmit Zori, violin
Daniel Phillips, viola
Peter Wiley, cello
Debussy Cello Sonata
Mendelssohn Variations sérieuses
Kodály Intermezzo for string trio
Franck Piano Quintet
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Saturday, February 23, 2019CMS of Lincoln Center: International CollectionDorothy Young Center at Drew UniversityMadison, NJwith Paul Huang, Alexander Sitkovetsky, Matthew Lipman, Richard O'Neill, Paul Watkins, Nicholas Tzavaras, and David ShifrinDebussy Sonata for Cello and Piano (1915)
Khachaturian Trio for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano (1932)
Huw Watkins Quintet for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello (CMS Co-Commission, US Premiere) (2017)
Brahms Sextet No. 2 in G major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Two Cellos, Op. 36 (1864-65)
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Friday, February 22, 2019CMS of Lincoln Center: International CollectionAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Paul Huang, Alexander Sitkovetsky, Matthew Lipman, Richard O'Neill, Paul Watkins, Nicholas Tzavaras, and David ShifrinDebussy Sonata for Cello and Piano (1915)
Khachaturian Trio for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano (1932)
Huw Watkins Quintet for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello (CMS Co-Commission, US Premiere) (2017)
Brahms Sextet No. 2 in G major for Two Violins, Two Violas, and Two Cellos, Op. 36 (1864-65)
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Sunday, February 17, 2019Santa Barbara SymphonyThe Granada TheatreSanta Barbara, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani Aznavoorian
Nir Kabaretti conducts
J. Schwantner: Chasing Light
Beethoven: Triple Concerto
Schumann: Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major, Op. 97 "Rhenish"
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Saturday, February 16, 2019Santa Barbara SymphonyThe Granada TheatreSanta Barbara, CAwith Paul Huang and Ani Aznavoorian
Nir Kabaretti conducts
J. Schwantner: Chasing Light
Beethoven: Triple Concerto
Schumann: Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major, Op. 97 "Rhenish"
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Thursday, February 14, 2019Camerata Pacifica: Beethoven and ReichZipper Hall, The Colburn SchoolLos Angeles, CAwith Kristin Lee, Jason Uyeyama, Richard O'Neill, and Ani AznavoorianBeethoven Sonata for Piano & Violin in C Minor, Op. 30, Nº. 2
Beethoven Piano Sonata in C Minor, Op. 111
Reich Different Trains
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Tuesday, February 12, 2019Camerata Pacifica: Beethoven and ReichRothenberg Hall, The Huntington San Marino, CAwith Kristin Lee, Jason Uyeyama, Richard O'Neill, and Ani AznavoorianBeethoven Sonata for Piano & Violin in C Minor, Op. 30, Nº. 2
Beethoven Piano Sonata in C Minor, Op. 111
Reich Different Trains
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Sunday, February 10, 2019Camerata Pacifica: Beethoven and ReichMuseum of Ventura CountyVentura, CAwith Kristin Lee, Jason Uyeyama, Richard O'Neill, and Ani AznavoorianBeethoven Sonata for Piano & Violin in C Minor, Op. 30, Nº. 2
Beethoven Piano Sonata in C Minor, Op. 111
Reich Different Trains
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Friday, February 08, 2019Camerata Pacifica: Beethoven and ReichHahn HallSanta Barbara, CAwith Kristin Lee, Jason Uyeyama, Richard O'Neill, and Ani AznavoorianBeethoven Sonata for Piano & Violin in C Minor, Op. 30, Nº. 2
Beethoven Piano Sonata in C Minor, Op. 111
Reich Different Trains
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Sunday, February 03, 2019National Gallery of ArtWest Building, West Garden CourtWashington, D.C.with Ida Kavafian and David JolleyHarbison Twilight Music
Ravel Sonata for Violin and Piano
Brahms Trio for Violin, Horn, and Piano, Op. 40
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Friday, February 01, 2019Music for a Great SpaceChrist United Methodist ChurchGreensboro, NCwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyHarbison Twilight Music
Ravel Sonata for Violin and Piano
Brahms Trio for Violin, Horn, and Piano, Op. 40
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Tuesday, January 29, 2019Trio Valtorna at Samford UniversityBrock HallBirmingham, ALwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyHarbison Twilight Music
Ravel Sonata for Violin and Piano
Brahms Trio for Violin, Horn, and Piano, Op. 40
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Saturday, January 26, 2019Friends of Chamber Music of TroyEmma Willard SchoolTroy, NYwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyHarbison Twilight Music
Ravel Sonata for Violin and Piano
Brahms Trio for Violin, Horn, and Piano, Op. 40
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Thursday, January 24, 2019CMS of Lincoln Center: Late Night RoseLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Kristin Lee, Sean Lee, Matthew Lipman, and David RequiroJanáček Pohádka for Cello and Piano (1910)
Dvořák Drobnosti (Miniatures) for Two Violins and Viola, Op. 75a (1887)
Korngold Quintet in E major for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 15 (1921-22)
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Thursday, January 24, 2019CMS of Lincoln Center: Rose StudioLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith Kristin Lee, Sean Lee, Matthew Lipman, and David RequiroJanáček Pohádka for Cello and Piano (1910)
Dvořák Drobnosti (Miniatures) for Two Violins and Viola, Op. 75a (1887)
Korngold Quintet in E major for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 15 (1921-22)
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Thursday, January 17, 2019CMS of Lincoln Center: New MusicLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith the Escher String QuartetPer Nørgård Quartet No. 10 for Strings, "Høsttidløs" (2005)
William Bolcom Suite for Violin and Cello (1997)
Ed Bennett For Marcel Dzama for Piano, Violin, and Cello (2007)
Anthony Cheung All Roads for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello (CMS Commission, New York Premiere)
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Thursday, January 17, 2019CMS of Lincoln Center: New MusicLincoln Center - Rose StudioNew York, NYwith the Escher String QuartetPer Nørgård Quartet No. 10 for Strings, "Høsttidløs" (2005)
William Bolcom Suite for Violin and Cello (1997)
Ed Bennett For Marcel Dzama for Piano, Violin, and Cello (2007)
Anthony Cheung All Roads for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello (CMS Commission, New York Premiere)
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Thursday, January 10, 2019Chamber Music Society of Palm BeachHoly Trinity Episcopal Churchwith Paul Huang and the Emerson String QuartetBeethoven Sonata for Piano and Violin Op. 12, No. 3
Walker Lyric for Strings
Chausson Concert for Violin, Piano, and String Quartet
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Monday, December 03, 2018Schubert ClubWestminster Hall at Westminster Presbyterian Church St. Paul, MNKyu-Young Kim, violin, Rebecca Albers, viola, Anthony Ross, cello, and Zachary Cohen, bassBeethoven: Piano Trio, Op. 1 #1 in Eb
Penderecki: String Trio
Schubert: Trout Quintet
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Tuesday, November 27, 2018Duo Recital with Joshua RomanRosalyn and Irwin Engelman Recital Hall, Baruch CollegeNew York, NYBeethoven: Sonata in C Major for Cello and Piano, Op 102 no 1
Williams: Stop/Yield
Pärt: Fratres
Janacek: Pohadka
Brahms: Sonata in F Major for Cello and Piano, Op 99
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Sunday, November 18, 2018The Montclair OrchestraSt. Luke's Episcopal ChurchMontclair, NJDavid Chan conductsPiano Concerto No. 1 in c minor, Op. 35 Dimitri Shostakovichmore info...
Thursday, November 08, 2018Faculty Concerts: WinterreiseBezanson HallAmherst, MAwith tenor William HiteSchubert's Winterreise
Tuesday, October 30, 2018Escher Quartet, Vonsattel - Cheung world premiereSchwab AuditoriumState College, PAwith the Escher QuartetAnthony Cheung's "All Roads", for piano quintet, and the Brahms piano quintetmore info...
Thursday, October 18, 2018Faculty Concerts: Chamber MasterworksBezanson HallAmherst, MAwith Elizabeth Chang, Edward Arron, and Romie de Guise-LangloisBerg Five Pieces for Clarinet and Piano, Ravel Duo, and Messiaen Quatuor pour la fin du tempsmore info...
Saturday, October 06, 2018Talea EnsembleHelmut List HalleGraz, Austriahttps://musikprotokoll.orf.at/en/program/preview/5349Gérard Grisey: Talea (1986)
William Dougherty: New Work (2018)
Georg Friedrich Haas: tria ex uno (2001)
Zosha Di Castri: La forma dello spazio (2010)
Georg Friedrich Haas: New Work (2018)

Thursday, October 04, 2018Talea EnsembleColumbia University Paris Global CenterParis, Francehttps://globalcenters.columbia.edu/events/columbia-sounds-talea-ensembleGérard Grisey: Talea (1986)
Zosha Di Castri: La forma dello spazio (2010)
Georg Friedrich Haas: new work
Saturday, September 29, 2018Gershwin F Major Concerto with the South Carolina PhilharmonicKoger Center for the ArtsColumbia, SChttp://www.scphilharmonic.com/calendar.aspx?event_id=1120BARBER Overture to "The School for Scandal"

GERSHWIN Concerto in F

FRANK Mestizo Waltz from "Three Latin American Sketches"

Friday, September 21, 2018Gershwin F Major with Huntsville Symphony OrchestraMark C. Smith Concert Hall, VBCHuntsville, ALhttps://www.hso.org/concerts/gershwin-west-side-story/Bernstein Slava!, A Political Overture
Gershwin Piano Concerto in F
Stravinsky Symphony in Three Movements
Bernstein Symphonic Dances from West Side Story
Saturday, September 08, 2018Recital at Tannery PondThe Tannery at the Darrow SchoolNew Lebanon, NYhttps://tannery-pond-concerts.myshopify.com/pages/directionsGeorge Benjamin (*1960)
"Shadowlines", Six Canonic Preludes for Piano solo

Anton Webern (1883-1945)
Variationen für Klavier op. 27

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Vier Klavierstücke op. 119

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Fantasie C-Dur für Klavier op. 17
Thursday, August 23, 2018Solo RecitalTeatro JovellanosGijón, Spainpart of the Gijón International Piano Festival.
George Benjamin (*1960)
"Shadowlines", Six Canonic Preludes for Piano solo

Anton Webern (1883-1945)
Variationen für Klavier op. 27

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Vier Klavierstücke op. 119

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Fantasie C-Dur für Klavier op. 17
Sunday, August 19, 2018Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Frank Huang, Anthony Marwood, Richard O'Neill, Peter Stumpf, and Jennifer Johnson CanoBrahms Zwei Gesänge for Mezzo-soprano, Viola, and Piano Op. 91 (1864-1884)
Moravec A New Country for Mezzo-soprano, Flute, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Piano (2018) (BCMF Commission; World Premiere)
Brahms Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, Op. 25 (1861)
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Wednesday, August 15, 2018Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Anthony Marwood, Benjamin Baker, Richard O'Neill, and Peter StumpfStravinsky Three Pieces for String Quartet (1914/18)
Beethoven Piano Trio in D major, Op. 70, No. 1, “Ghost” (1808)
Franck Piano Quintet in F minor (1879)
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Saturday, August 11, 2018La Jolla SummerFest GalaUC San Diego's Audrey Geisel University HouseTrout Quintet with Cho-Liang Lin, Martin Beaver, Max Geissler, and Daxun Zhangmore info...
Friday, August 10, 2018La Jolla SummerFestConrad Prebys Concert HallLa Jolla, CATOSHI ICHIYANAGI · String Quartet
FLUX Quartet

BRUCH · Octet in B-flat Major, Op. posth.
Martin Beaver, Tien-Hsin Cindy Wu, Luri Lee, Emily Kruspe, violins; Hezekiah Leung, Heiichiro Ohyama, violas; Felix Fan, cello; DaXun Zhang, bass

DVORÁK · Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87
Gilles Vonsattel, piano; Martin Beaver, violin; Tien-Hsin Cindy Wu, viola; Carter Brey, cello
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Tuesday, August 7, 2018Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center at SPACLittle Theatre-SPACSaratoga Springs, NYwith Wu Han, Nicolas Dautricourt, Joseph Conyers, and the Schumann QuartetHaydn Trio in A major for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Hob. XV:18 (1794)
Dvorak Quartet in E-flat major for Strings, Op. 51 (1878-79)
Schubert Quintet in A major for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass, D. 667, Op. 114, “Trout” (1819)
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Sunday, August 5, 2018Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center at SPACLittle Theatre-SPACSaratoga Springs, NYwith Nicolas Dautricourt and the Schumann QuartetSchnittke Suite in Old Style for Violin and Piano (1972)
Shostakovich Quintet in G minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 57 (1940)
Beethoven Quartet in C-sharp minor for Strings, Op. 131 (1825-26)
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Tuesday, July 31, 2018Music@Menlo - BudapestThe Center for Performing Arts at Menlo-AthertonMenlo Park, CAwith Bella Hristova, Kevin Rivard, David Requiro, Matthew Lipman, and Anthony McGillERNŐ DOHNÁNYI
Sextet in C Major for Winds, Strings, and Piano, op. 37 (1935)
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Sunday, July 29, 2018Music@Menlo - BerlinStent Family HallMenlo Park, CAsee linkBeethoven Sonata for Piano and Cello in F Major Op. 5, No . 1more info...
Saturday, July 28, 2018Music@Menlo - BerlinThe Center for Performing Arts at Menlo-AthertonMenlo Park, CAsee linkBeethoven Sonata for Piano and Cello in F Major Op. 5, No . 1more info...
Thursday, July 26, 2018Mozart and Dvorak - Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSimms AuditoriumAlbuquerque, NMMOZART Variations on "Hélas, j'ai perdu mon amant," K. 360

BRAUNFELS String Quintet in F-sharp Minor, Op. 63

DVOŘÁK Piano Trio in E Minor, Op. 90, "Dumky"
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Wednesday, July 25, 2018Mozart and Dvorak - Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMMOZART Variations on "Hélas, j'ai perdu mon amant," K. 360

BRAUNFELS String Quintet in F-sharp Minor, Op. 63

DVOŘÁK Piano Trio in E Minor, Op. 90, "Dumky"
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Tuesday, July 24, 2018Solo Recital - Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMGEORGE BENJAMIN Shadowlines, Six Canonic Preludes

WEBERN Variations for Piano, Op. 27

SCHUMANN Fantasie in C Major for Piano, Op. 17
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Friday, July 20, 2018Lyria FestivalSage HallNorthampton, MAhttp://lyramusic.org/events-1/2017/11/25/piano-guest-artist-gilles-vonsattel-in-recitalGeorge Benjamin : Shadow Lines
Messiaen: Ile de Feu 2
Webern: Variations
Schumann: Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17
Friday, July 13, 2018Bay Chamber ConcertsUnion HallRockport, MEwith James Austen Smith, oboeCARL NIELSEN Fantasy Pieces for Oboe and Piano, Op. 2
BARTÓK Out of Doors
BRITTEN Two Insect Pieces for Oboe and Piano
POULENC Sonata for Oboe and Piano
FREDERIC Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues
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Thursday, July 12, 2018Bay Chamber ConcertsRockport Opera HouseRockport, MEBeethoven Six Bagatelles, Op. 126 and Schumann Piano Quintet with the Rolston Quartetmore info...
Sunday, June 24, 2018Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalKerrytown Concert HouseAnn Arbor, MITchaikovsky Piano Trio, with Philip Setzer and Paul Watkinsmore info...
Saturday, June 23, 2018Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalSeligman Performing Arts CenterBeverly Hills, MIRavel La Valse and Bach Concerto for Three Keyboards in C Major, with James Toccomore info...
Friday, June 22, 2018Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalKerrytown Concert HouseAnn Arbor, MIwith Kimberly Kaloyanides KennedySchubert Lebensstürme and Beethoven Sonata for piano and violin, Op. 96more info...
Tuesday, June 19, 2018Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalTemple Beth ElBloomfield Hills, MIsee linkBrahms Piano Quintet with the Callisto String Quartetmore info...
Sunday, June 3, 2018Spoleto USADock Street TheaterCharleston, SCmusicians include Todd Palmer, the JACK Quartet, the St. Lawrence Quartet, Livia Sohn, Joshua Roman, Paul Groves, and many others. Directed and hosted by Geoff Nuttall.Two concerts a day for a full week - repertoire includes Bartók Out of Doors, Beethoven Cello Sonata Op. 102/1, Berg Vier Stücke for Clarinet and Piano, and many, many others.more info...
Sunday, May 20, 2018Concerto Night - CMS of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYLeclair Concerto in B-flat major for Violin, Strings, and Continuo, Op. 10, No. 1 (1745)
Mozart Concerto in D minor for Piano and Strings, K. 466 (arr. Carl Czerny) (1785)
Bach Concerto in G minor for Keyboard, BWV 975 (after Vivaldi RV 316) (1713-14)
Janáček Concertino for Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Two Violins, Viola, and Piano (1925)
Mackey Micro-Concerto for Solo Percussion, Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, and Piano (1999)
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Wednesday, May 9, 2018Klavierabend - Schwetzinger-FestspieleSchloss MozartsaalSchwetzingen, GermanyBenjamin Shadowlines, Webern Variations, Brahms Vier Klavierstücke Op. 119, Schumann Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17more info...
Saturday, April 28, 2018Classical EvolutionDorothy Young Center for the ArtsMadison, NJwith Ida Kavafian, Erin Keefe, Yura Lee, Nicholas Canellakis, and Tommaso LonquichMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt”
Weber Quintet in B-flat major for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
Brahms Quintet in F minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
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Friday, April 27, 2018Classical EvolutionAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Ida Kavafian, Erin Keefe, Yura Lee, Nicholas Canellakis, and Tommaso LonquichMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt”
Weber Quintet in B-flat major for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
Brahms Quintet in F minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
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Tuesday, April 24, 2018Classical EvolutionKenan AuditoriumWilmington, NCwith Ida Kavafian, Erin Keefe, Yura Lee, Nicholas Canellakis, and Tommaso LonquichMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt”
Weber Quintet in B-flat major for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
Brahms Quintet in F minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
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Saturday, April 21, 2018Classical EvolutionThe Performing Arts Center, Purchase CollegePurchase, NYwith Ida Kavafian, Erin Keefe, Yura Lee, Nicholas Canellakis, and Tommaso LonquichMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt”
Weber Quintet in B-flat major for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
Brahms Quintet in F minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
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Friday, April 20, 2018Classical EvolutionWolf Performance HallLondon, ONwith Ida Kavafian, Erin Keefe, Yura Lee, Nicholas Canellakis, and Tommaso LonquichMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt”
Weber Quintet in B-flat major for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
Brahms Quintet in F minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
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Thursday, April 19, 2018Classical EvolutionSt. Cecilia Music CenterGrand Rapids, MIwith Ida Kavafian, Erin Keefe, Yura Lee, Nicholas Canellakis, and Tommaso LonquichMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt”
Weber Quintet in B-flat major for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
Brahms Quintet in F minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
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Tuesday, April 17, 2018Classical EvolutionVancouver PlayhouseVancouver, BCwith Ida Kavafian, Erin Keefe, Yura Lee, Nicholas Canellakis, and Tommaso LonquichMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt”
Weber Quintet in B-flat major for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
Brahms Quintet in F minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
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Sunday, April 15, 2018Classical EvolutionHugh Hodgson Concert HallAthens, GAwith Ida Kavafian, Erin Keefe, Yura Lee, Nicholas Canellakis, and Tommaso LonquichMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt”
Weber Quintet in B-flat major for Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
Brahms Quintet in F minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34
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Tuesday, April 10, 2018CMS at Wigmore HallWigmore HallLondon, UKwith Paul Huang, Alexander Sitkovetsky, Paul Watkins, and Richard O'NeillSchubert Trio for Violin, Viola, and Cello in B-flat major, D. 581 (1817)
Watkins Quintet for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello (CMS Co-Commission) (2017)
Brahms Quintet in F minor for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 34 (1862)
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Saturday, March 31, 2018Chicago Symphony OrchestraOrchestra HallChicago, ILKent Nagano conductsWagner Siegfried Idyll
Bernstein Symphony No. 2 (The Age of Anxiety)
Schumann Symphony No. 1 (Spring)
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Friday, March 30, 2018Chicago Symphony OrchestraOrchestra HallChicago, ILKent Nagano conductsWagner Siegfried Idyll
Bernstein Symphony No. 2 (The Age of Anxiety)
Schumann Symphony No. 1 (Spring)
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Chicago Symphony OrchestraOrchestra HallChicago, ILKent Nagano conductsWagner Siegfried Idyll
Bernstein Symphony No. 2 (The Age of Anxiety)
Schumann Symphony No. 1 (Spring)
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Saturday, March 24, 2018Emerald City MusicThe Minnaert CenterOlympia, WARAVEL Violin Sonata no. 2
RZEWSKI Cotton Mill Blues, for solo piano
STRAVINSKY The Soldier’s Tale, for piano, violin, and clarinet
BERNSTEIN Clarinet Sonata
GERSHWIN Rhapsody in Blue, for four-hands piano
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Friday, March 23, 2018Emerald City Music415 WestlakeSeattle, WARAVEL Violin Sonata no. 2
RZEWSKI Cotton Mill Blues, for solo piano
STRAVINSKY The Soldier’s Tale, for piano, violin, and clarinet
BERNSTEIN Clarinet Sonata
GERSHWIN Rhapsody in Blue, for four-hands piano
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Wednesday, March 14, 2018Memmingen MeisterkonzerteStadthalleMemmingen, GermanyGeorge Benjamin Shadowlines, Webern Variations Op. 27, Brahms Vier Klavierstücke Op. 119, Schumann Fantasy in C Op. 17more info...
Saturday, February 10, 2018Peoples' Symphony ConcertsWashingon Irving High SchoolNew York, NYwith Jörg WidmannMENDELSSOHN: Clarinet Sonata
SCHUMANN: Fantasiestücke Op. 73
WEBER: Gran Duo Concertant
WIDMANN: Circus Dances (solo piano); Fünf Bruchstücke (clarinet and piano); Fantasie (solo clarinet)
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Thursday, February 8, 2018San Francisco PerformancesHerbst TheatreSan Francisco, CAwith Jörg WidmannMENDELSSOHN: Clarinet Sonata
SCHUMANN: Fantasiestücke Op. 73
WEBER: Gran Duo Concertant
WIDMANN: Circus Dances (solo piano); Fünf Bruchstücke (clarinet and piano); Fantasie (solo clarinet)
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Wednesday, January 31, 2018Auburn Chamber Music Society/Trio ValtornaGoodwin HallAuburn, ALwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyBrahms Trio, Harbison Twilight Musicmore info...
Sunday, January 28, 2018Trio ValtornaLogan House/Beatrice Wood Center for the ArtsOjai, CAwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyBrahms Horn Trio, Harbison Twilight Musicmore info...
Sunday, January 21, 2018Naumburg TrioRamsey HallAthens, GAwith Frank Huang and David RequiroShostakovich Piano Trios
Tchaikovsky Piano Trio
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Tuesday, January 16, 2018Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAwith Kristin Lee and Martin OwenBeethoven - Piano Sonata No. 26 in E-flat Major Op. 81a "Les adieux"
Messiaen - "Appel interstellaire"
Ligeti - Trio for Violin Horn & Piano
Britten - Suite for Violin & Piano Op. 6
Bartók - "Out of Doors" Sz. 81
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Wednesday, September 26, 2018Camerata PacificaThe Museum of Ventura CountyVentura, CAwith Kristin Lee and Martin OwenBeethoven - Piano Sonata No. 26 in E-flat Major Op. 81a "Les adieux"
Messiaen - "Appel interstellaire"
Ligeti - Trio for Violin Horn & Piano
Britten - Suite for Violin & Piano Op. 6
Bartók - "Out of Doors" Sz. 81
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Friday, January 12, 2018Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CAwith Kristin Lee and Martin OwenBeethoven - Piano Sonata No. 26 in E-flat Major Op. 81a "Les adieux"
Messiaen - "Appel interstellaire"
Ligeti - Trio for Violin Horn & Piano
Britten - Suite for Violin & Piano Op. 6
Bartók - "Out of Doors" Sz. 81
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Wednesday, January 11, 2018Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CAwith Kristin Lee and Martin OwenBeethoven - Piano Sonata No. 26 in E-flat Major Op. 81a "Les adieux"
Messiaen - "Appel interstellaire"
Ligeti - Trio for Violin Horn & Piano
Britten - Suite for Violin & Piano Op. 6
Bartók - "Out of Doors" Sz. 81
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Saturday, December 9, 2017Maestro FoundationLos Angeles, CAwith Paul WatkinsBeethoven: 12 Variations on “Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen”, op. 66
Beethoven: Sonata for Cello and Piano in G Minor, op. 5/2
Beethoven: Sonata for Cello and Piano in C Major, op. 102/1
Beethoven: Sonata for Cello and Piano in A Major, op. 69
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Friday, November 17, 2017Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CAwith Giora Schmidt, violin, Ani Aznavoorian, cello, and Bil Jackson, clarinetProkofiev Sonata No. 1 in f minor for violin and piano, Messiaen Quatuor pour la fin du tempsmore info...
Thursday, November 16, 2017Camerata PacificaZipper HallLos Angeles, CAwith Giora Schmidt, violin, Ani Aznavoorian, cello, and Bil Jackson, clarinetProkofiev Sonata No. 1 in f minor for violin and piano, Messiaen Quatuor pour la fin du tempsmore info...
Tuesday, November 14, 2017Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAwith Giora Schmidt, violin, Ani Aznavoorian, cello, and Bil Jackson, clarinetProkofiev Sonata No. 1 in f minor for violin and piano, Messiaen Quatuor pour la fin du tempsmore info...
Sunday, November 12, 2017Camerata PacificaTemple Beth TorahVentura, CAwith Giora Schmidt, violin, Ani Aznavoorian, cello, and Bil Jackson, clarinetProkofiev Sonata No. 1 in f minor for violin and piano, Messiaen Quatuor pour la fin du tempsmore info...
Monday, October 30, 2017Duo Recital with Adolfo Gutiérrez ArenasTeatro LiceoSalamanca, SpainBeethoven Sonata for cello and piano in C Major Op. 101, No. 1, Brahms Sonata for cello and piano in F Major Op. 99, Brahms Sonata for cello and piano in d minor Op. 108more info...
Sunday, October 29, 2017Swiss Chamber ConcertsGrande salle du conservatoireGeneva, Switzerlandwith Jürg Dähler, viola, and François Benda, clarinetMozart Kegelstatt Trio, John Dowland Flow my Tears, Britten Lachrymae for viola and piano, David Philip Hefti à la recherche for viola, clarinet, and piano, Schumann Märchenerzählungenmore info...
Friday, October 27, 2017Swiss Chamber ConcertsGare du NordBasel, Switzerlandwith Jürg Dähler, viola, and François Benda, clarinetMozart Kegelstatt Trio, John Dowland Flow my Tears, Britten Lachrymae for viola and piano, David Philip Hefti à la recherche for viola, clarinet, and piano, Schumann Märchenerzählungenmore info...
Thursday, October 26, 2017Swiss Chamber ConcertsConservatorioLugano, Switzerlandwith Jürg Dähler, viola, and François Benda, clarinetMozart Kegelstatt Trio, John Dowland Flow my Tears, Britten Lachrymae for viola and piano, David Philip Hefti à la recherche for viola, clarinet, and piano, Schumann Märchenerzählungenmore info...
Wednesday, October 25, 2017Swiss Chamber ConcertsKirche St. PeterZürich, Switzerlandwith Jürg Dähler, viola, and François Benda, clarinetMozart Kegelstatt Trio, John Dowland Flow my Tears, Britten Lachrymae for viola and piano, David Philip Hefti à la recherche for viola, clarinet, and piano, Schumann Märchenerzählungenmore info...
Tuesday, October 17, 2017Zeughaus Konzerte - solo recitalZeughausNeuss, GermanyWebern Variations, Brahms Vier Klavierstücke Op. 119, Beethoven Sonata Op. 81a Lebewohl, Schumann Fantasy Op. 17more info...
Saturday, October 14, 2017Gothenburg SymphonyGothenburg, SwedenKent Nagano conducts, with Valerie Hartman (ondes martenot)Turangalîla Symphoniemore info...
Friday, October 13, 2017Gothenburg SymphonyGothenburg, SwedenKent Nagano conducts, with Valerie Hartman (ondes martenot)Turangalîla Symphoniemore info...
Sunday, September 24, 2017Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourShalin Liu Performance CenterRockport, MAwith David Shifrin, Ani Kavafian, Paul Huang, Matthew Lipman, Nicholas Canellakis, andBeethoven, Op. 11 Trio for Piano, Clarinet, and Cello, Weber Clarinet Quintet, and Schumann Piano Quintet, Op. 44more info...
Sunday, September 17, 2017String Orchestra of the Rockies - Mozart JeunehommeUniversity of Montana Recital HallMissoula, MTMozart Concerto K. 271 "Jeunehomme"more info...
Sunday, August 27, 2017Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Marya Martin, Stewart Rose, Anthony Marwood, Peter Stumpf, Richard O'Neill, Donald Palma, and Paul HuangMozart K. 301 Violin Sonata in e minor, Kevin Puts "Seven Seascapes" for piano, flute, horn, violin, viola, cello, and bassmore info...
Saturday, August 26, 2017Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Stewart Rose, and Anthony MarwoodBeethoven "Spring" Sonata, Horn Sonata, and Variations on "God Save the King"more info...
Wednesday, August 23, 2017Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Anthony Marwood, Paul Huang, Peter Stumpf, and Richard O'NeillSchubert "Notturno" D. 897 for Piano Trio, Harbison "November 19, 1828, Hallucination in Four Episodes" for Piano Quartet, Schubert B-flat Major Piano Trio D. 898more info...
Friday, August 18, 2017La Jolla SummerFestConrad Prebys Concert HallLa Jolla, CAwith Yura LeeBeethoven Violin Sonatas: Op. 12, No. 3, Op. 23, and Op. 96more info...
Tuesday, August 15, 2017CMS on Tour - SaratogaSPA Little Theater- SPACSaratoga, NYwith Wu Han, Paul Huang, Richard O'Neill, Nicholas Canellakis, and David FinckelMozart Fantasia in d minor for solo piano, Mozart Divertimento for string trio K. 563, Tchaikovsky The Seasons for solo piano, Tchaikovsky Piano Triomore info...
Sunday, August 13, 2017CMS on Tour - SaratogaSPA Little Theater -SPACSaratoga, NYwith Wu Han, Paul Huang, David Finckel, Arnaud Sussmann, Joseph Conyers, NIcholas Canellakis, Richard O'Neill, Ricardo Morales, Daniel Matsukawa, Jeffrey LangBeethoven Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op.12, No.3, Shostakovich Piano Trio No. 1, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues, Beethoven Septetmore info...
Sunday, August 6, 2017Cooperstown Summer Music FestivalOtesaga Resort HotelCooperstown, NYwith the Jasper QuartetBeethoven Variations on God Save the King, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues, Dvorak Piano Quintetmore info...
Monday, July 31, 2017Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Marya Martin, Kristin Lee, Cindy Wu, Jakob Koranyi, and Alan AldaRobert Schumann: Three Romances for Flute and Piano, Op. 94, Clara Schumann: Three Romances for Violin and Piano, Op. 22, Robert Schumann: Piano Quartet, Clara Schumann: Romance for solo piano, Brahms: Piano Quartet in c minor, Op. 60more info...
Sunday, July 30, 2017Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Marya Martin, Kristin Lee, Cindy Wu, Jakob Koranyi, and Alan AldaRobert Schumann: Three Romances for Flute and Piano, Op. 94, Clara Schumann: Three Romances for Violin and Piano, Op. 22, Robert Schumann: Piano Quartet, Clara Schumann: Romance for solo piano, Brahms: Piano Quartet in c minor, Op. 60more info...
Friday, July 21, 2017Bay Chamber ConcertsUnion HallCamden, MEwith Todd Palmer and Jakob KoranyiPoulenc Clarinet Sonata, Debussy L'isle joyeuse, Weber Le Grand Trio (arrangement by Todd Palmer)more info...
Thursday, July 20, 2017Bay Chamber ConcertsRockport Opera HouseCamden, MEwith Todd Palmer and Jakob KoranyiBeethoven Op. 11 Trio, Op. 69 Cello Sonata, Brahms Vier Klavierstücke Op. 119, Brahms Clarinet Trio Op. 114more info...
Sunday, July 9, 2017Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith David Shifrin, Ani Kavafian, Paul Huang, Matthew Lipman, Nicholas Canellakis, andBeethoven, Op. 11 Trio for Piano, Clarinet, and Cello, Weber Clarinet Quintet, and Schumann Piano Quintet, Op. 44more info...
Saturday, June 24, 2017Emperor Concerto with North Carolina SymphonyBooth AmphitheatreCary, NCNicholas Hersh conductsBeethoven Piano Concerto No. 5more info...
Thursday, June 22, 2017Naumburg TrioShalin Liu Performance CenterRockport, MAFrank Huang, violin, David Requiro, celloBeethoven WoO 38, Carter Epigrams, Shostakovich Piano Trio No. 1, Tchaikovsky Triomore info...
Friday, May 26, 2017Spoleto Festival USADock Street TheatreCharleston, SCFestival runs from May 26 to June 11, artists include Geoff Nuttall, Livia Sohn, James Austin Smith, Pedja Muzijevic, Todd Palmer, Joshua Roman, Stephen Prutsman, and many othersmany, many concerts - music of Thomas Adès, Shostakovich, Schumann, Bottesini, and many othersmore info...
Monday, May 22, 2017Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterUGA Performing Arts CenterAthens, GABarber Souvenirs for Piano Four Hands, Harbison Songs America Loves to Sing, Copland Appalachian Springmore info...
Sunday, May 21, 2017Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYBarber Souvenirs for Piano Four Hands, Harbison Songs America Loves to Sing, Copland Appalachian Springmore info...
Friday, May 12, 2017Brooklyn Chamber Music SocietyFirst Unitarian ChurchBrooklyn, NYwith Carmit Zori, violin, and Peter Stumpf, celloDebussy Sonata for violin and piano, Fauré Elegie for cello and piano, Tchaikovksy piano triomore info...
Friday, May 5, 2017Orquesta Sinfonica de XalapaTlaqna, Centro CulturalXalapa, MexicoLanfranco Marcelletti conductsStrauss Burleske and Liszt Piano Concerto No. 1more info...
Tuesday, March 21, 2017BAC Salon: Janacek and IvesBaryshnikov Arts CenterNew York, NYwith Paul Appleby, tenor, and Jay Campbell, celloJanacek Podhadka, Sonata 1.X.1905, and selections of Ives songsmore info...
Monday, March 20, 2017BAC Salon: Janacek and IvesBaryshnikov Arts CenterNew York, NYwith Paul Appleby, tenor, and Jay Campbell, celloJanacek Podhadka, Sonata 1.X.1905, and selections of Ives songsmore info...
Sunday, March 19, 2017Beacon Chamber MusicHowland Cultural CenterBeacon, NYwith the Jasper QuartetBrahms Piano Quintetmore info...
Friday, March 17, 2017Munich PhilharmonicMunich GasteigMunich, GermanyKent Nagano conductsBernstein Symphony No. 2, "The Age of Anxiety"more info...
Wednesday, March 15, 2017Munich PhilharmonicMunich GasteigMunich, GermanyKent Nagano conductsBernstein Symphony No. 2, "The Age of Anxiety"more info...
Monday, February 6, 2017RecitalMayville State UniversityMayville, NDDussek The Sufferings of the Queen of France, Beethoven Six Bagatelles Op. 126, Beethoven Sonata Op. 81a, Liszt Funérailles, Janacek Sonata 1.X.1905, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues
Sunday, February 5, 2017RecitalNorth Dakota Museum of ArtGrand Forks, NDDussek The Sufferings of the Queen of France, Beethoven Six Bagatelles Op. 126, Beethoven Sonata Op. 81a, Liszt Funérailles, Janacek Sonata 1.X.1905, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues
Thursday, February 2, 2017The Art of the RecitalRose Studio, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterNew York, NYLive streamed at www.chambermusicsociety.orgmore info...
Sunday, January 22, 2017Hartford SymphonyBelding HallHartford, CTJoel Smirnoff conductsRavel Piano Concerto in G Majormore info...
Saturday, January 21, 2017Hartford SymphonyBelding HallHartford, CTJoel Smirnoff conductsRavel Piano Concerto in G Majormore info...
Friday, January 20, 2017Hartford SymphonyBelding HallHartford, CTJoel Smirnoff conductsRavel Piano Concerto in G Majormore info...
Monday, January 16, 2017Frank Huang and Gilles Vonsattel at Carnegie's Weill HallWeill Hall (Carnegie)New York, NYBeethoven "Spring" Sonata, Prokofiev Sonata for violin and piano in f minor, and Beethoven "Kreutzer" Sonata
Wednesday, January 11, 2017Frank Huang and Gilles Vonsattel at UGARamsey HallAthens, GABeethoven "Spring" Sonata, Prokofiev Sonata for violin and piano in f minor, and Beethoven "Kreutzer" Sonatamore info...
Saturday, December 3, 2016Duluth Superior Symphony OrchestraDuluth Symphony HallDuluth, MNwith Dirk Meyer, conductorBeethoven Piano Concerto No. 3more info...
Sunday, November 13, 2016Solo Recital - Insel HombroichMuseum Insel HombroichNeuss, GermanyGeorge Benjamin Shadowlines, Webern Variations Op. 27, Brahms Vier Klavierstücke Op. 119, Schumann Fantasy in C Op. 17more info...
Friday, November 4, 2016Solo Recital - Badenweiler MusiktageKurhausBaden-WürttenbergGeorge Benjamin Shadowlines, Webern Variations Op. 27, Brahms Vier Klavierstücke Op. 119, Schumann Fantasy in C Op. 17more info...
Sunday, October 30, 2016Solo Recital at UMass AmherstBezanson HallAmherst, MAGeorge Benjamin Shadowlines, Webern Variations Op. 27, Brahms Vier Klavierstücke Op. 119, Schumann Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17
Saturday, October 29, 2016Solo recital in BrattleboroBrattleboro Music Center Chamber SeriesBrattleboro, VTBeethoven Sonata Op. 81a Das Lebewohl, Webern Variations Op. 27, Brahms Vier Klavierstücke Op. 119, Schumann Fantasy in C Op. 17more info...
Thursday, October 27, 2016Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterRose StudioNew York, NYwith Tony Arnold, Yura Lee, and Nick CanellakisProgram includes Thomas Larcher's My Illness is the Medicine I need for soprano, violin, cello, and piano, and James Macmillan's Piano Trio No. 2more info...
Thursday, October 27, 2016Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterRose StudioNew York, NYwith Tony Arnold, Yura Lee, and Nick CanellakisProgram includes Thomas Larcher's My Illness is the Medicine I need for soprano, violin, cello, and piano, and James Macmillan's Piano Trio No. 2more info...
Friday, October 14, 2016Recital at Northwestern UniversityMary B. Galvin Recital HallChicago, ILBeethoven, Sonata No. 26 in E-flat Major, Op. 81a ("Les Adieux")
Benjamin, Shadowlines: Six Canonic Preludes
Janáček, Piano Sonata 1.X.1905
Schumann, Fantasy, Op. 17
more info...
Tuesday, October 11, 2016Jasper String Quartet and Gilles VonsattelMontgomery Museum of Fine ArtsMontgomery, ALBrahms Piano Quintetmore info...
Friday, September 30, 2016Ponant Cruise Boston-BostonLe Lyrial/offshore concertswith Sarah Vonsattel, violin, Edward Arron, cello, and Todd Palmer, clarinet. Presentations by Michael Parloff.4 concerts focusing on the Robert/Clara/Johannes relationship: Schumann Fantasy In C, Brahms Klavierstücke Op. 119, Brahms Cello Sonata No. 2, Brahms Clarinet Trio, Schumann Fantasiestücke for clarinet and piano, Schumann Piano Trio No. 1, Beethoven Kreutzer Sonata, Clara Schumann Romances for violin and piano, and moremore info...
Sunday, September 25, 2016In Celebration of ShostakovichBargemusicBrooklyn, NYwith Ilya Gringolts, violin, and Dmitri Kouzov, celloShostakovich Piano Trios No. 1 and 2, Violin Sonatamore info...
Saturday, September 17, 2016Columbus Symphony (GA)Columbus, GAGeorge Del Gobbo conductsBeethoven Concerto No. 3more info...
Friday, September 2, 2016China Solo Recital Tourfrom 9/2 to 9/13, performing in Dalian, Jinan, Dezhou, Shaoxing, Nanchang, Kunming, Chongqing, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Dongguan, Liuzhou, BeijingBeethoven Piano Sonata Op. 81a "Lebewohl", Brahms Klavierstücke Op. 119, Huang Ruo Two Pieces, Schumann Fantasy in C Major Op. 17
Sunday, August 28, 2016Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton, NYwith Frank Huang, Anthony Marwood, Richard O'Neill, Peter Stumpf, and Marya MartinRota Trio for Flute, Cello, and Piano; Dvorak Piano Quintetmore info...
Wednesday, August 24, 2016Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton, NYwith Frank Huang, Anthony Marwood, Richard O'Neill, Peter Stumpf, Clive Greensmith, and Marya MartinBolcom Introduction and Rondo: Haydn go seek for piano trio, Brahms Piano Quartet in A Majormore info...
Saturday, August 13, 2016Orchestre Symphonique de MontréalMaison symphonique de MontréalMontréal, QuébecViva Vivaldi! with Kent Nagano, Pinchas Zuckerman, Avi Avital, and moreVivaldi/Bach Concerto in g minor BWV 975more info...
Saturday, August 13, 2016Solo Recital at the OSMCinquième Salle, Maison SymphoniqueMontréal, QuébecBeethoven Piano Sonata Op. 81a "Lebewohl", Benjamin Shadow Lines, Debussy D'un cahier d'esquisses and L'isle joyeusemore info...
Saturday, August 13, 2016Duo Recital with Arabella SteinbacherCinquième Salle, Maison SymphoniqueMontréal, QuébecMozart Sonata for Piano and Violin in G Major K. 301, Prokofiev Sonata for Violin and Piano in f minor Op. 80more info...
Friday, August 12, 2016Brahms Quintet with Arabella Steinbacher/OSM musiciansCinquième Salle, Maison SymphoniqueMontréal, Québecwith Arabella Steinbacher, Andrew Wan, Neal Gripp, and Adolfo Gutiérrez ArenasBrahms Piano Quintet in f minor Op. 34more info...
Friday, July 22, 2016Bay Chamber ConcertsUnion HallRockport, MEwith Geoff Nuttall and Chris CostanzaLiszt Pensée des Morts, Tchaikovsky Piano Triomore info...
Thursday, July 21, 2016Bay Chamber ConcertsRockport Opera HouseRockport, MEwith Geoff Nuttall and Chris CostanzaMozart Sonata for Piano and Violin in G Major, K. 379, Brahms Cello Sonata in F Major Op. 99, Schumann Arabeske Op. 18, Schumann Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 63more info...
Wednesday, July 20, 2016Fox Island ConcertsHokanson Memorial HallVinalhaven, MEwith Geoff Nuttall and Chris CostanzaMozart Sonata for Piano and Violin in G Major, K. 379, Brahms Cello Sonata in F Major Op. 99, Schumann Arabeske Op. 18, Schumann Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 63
Tuesday, July 12, 2016Chamber Music NorthwestLincoln Performance HallPortland, ORwith Yevgeny Yontov, Melvin Chen, and Hilda HuangRachmaninoff Suite No. 2 for two pianos, Mozart Sonata for two pianos in D Major, K. 448more info...
Sunday, July 10, 2016Chamber Music NorthwestLincoln Performance HallPortland, ORwith Ani Kavafian, Paul Neubauer, and Fred SherryMozart Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Tchaikovsky Piano Triomore info...
Saturday, July 9, 2016Chamber Music NorthwestKaul AuditoriumPortland, ORwith Ani Kavafian, Paul Neubauer, and Fred SherryMozart Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Tchaikovsky Piano Triomore info...
Friday, July 8, 2016Chamber Music NorthwestLincoln Recital HallPortland, ORGeorge Benjamin Shadowlinesmore info...
Sunday, July 3, 2016Bad Kissingen FestivalBad Kissingen, Germanywith Paul Huang, Kristin Lee, Matthew Lipman, and Nicholas CanellakisJalbert Piano Trio, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton mill Blues, Dohnányi Quintet No. 1more info...
Saturday, June 25, 2016Rockport Chamber Music FestivalShalin Liu Performance CenterRockport, MAwith Frank Huang, violinBeethoven "Spring" Sonata, Prokofiev Violin Sonata No. 1, Beethoven "Kreutzer" Sonatamore info...
Monday, May 23, 2016Swiss Chamber ConcertsConservatorioLuganowith Ilya Gringolts and Daniel HaefligerLachenmann Ein Kinderspiel for solo piano, Five Variations on a Theme by Schubert, Carter Epigrams for piano trio, Schubert Piano Trio in E-flat Major D. 929more info...
Sunday, May 22, 2016Swiss Chamber ConcertsStudio AnsermetGenevawith Ilya Gringolts and Daniel HaefligerLachenmann Ein Kinderspiel for solo piano, Five Variations on a Theme by Schubert, Carter Epigrams for piano trio, Schubert Piano Trio in E-flat Major D. 929more info...
Saturday, May 21, 2016Swiss Chamber ConcertsHans Huber SaalBaselwith Ilya Gringolts and Daniel HaefligerLachenmann Ein Kinderspiel for solo piano, Five Variations on a Theme by Schubert, Carter Epigrams for piano trio, Schubert Piano Trio in E-flat Major D. 929more info...
Friday, May 20, 2016Swiss Chamber ConcertsKirche St. PeterZürichwith Ilya Gringolts and Daniel HaefligerLachenmann Ein Kinderspiel for solo piano, Five Variations on a Theme by Schubert, Carter Epigrams for piano trio, Schubert Piano Trio in E-flat Major D. 929more info...
Thursday, May 12, 2016Pfingstfestival Schloss BruneggSchloss BruneggZurichwith Heinz Holliger, Jürg Dähler, Corinne Chapelle, Sophie Klussmann, Christian Poltera, and more; May 12 - 16All Beethoven solo recital on fortepiano, Brahms Klavierstücke Op. 119, Dussek The Sufferings of the Queen of France, Liszt Pensée des Morts, Bach/Vivaldi BWV 975, Schumann Liederkreis, Märchenbilder, Schubert Trout Quintett
Monday, April 25, 2016Vancouver SymphonyBell Performing Arts CentreVancouver, CAKazuyoshi Akiyama conductsMozart "Jeunehomme" K. 271more info...
Saturday, April 23, 2016Vancouver SymphonyChan Centre for the Performing ArtsVancouver, CAKazuyoshi Akiyama conductsMozart "Jeunehomme" K. 271more info...
Friday, April 22, 2016Vancouver SymphonyChan Centre for the Performing ArtsVancouver, CAKazuyoshi Akiyama conductsMozart "Jeunehomme" K. 271more info...
Saturday, April 16, 2016CMS on TourDrew UniversityMadison, NJwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Watkins, and Paul NeubauerBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Friday, April 15, 2016Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Watkins, and Paul NeubauerBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Sunday, April 10, 2016CMS on TourMaestro FoundationLos Angeles, CAwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Watkins, and Paul NeubauerBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Saturday, April 9, 2016CMS on TourPortland OvationsPortland, MEwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Watkins, and Paul NeubauerBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Friday, April 8, 2016CMS on TourFairfield UniversityFairfield, CTwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Watkins, and Paul NeubauerBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Thursday, March 24, 2016New Music in the Kaplan PenthouseLincoln CenterNew York, NYwith the Daedalus Quartet, Jennifer Montone, and Romie de Guise-Langloisprogram includes Lachenmann Ein Kinderspiel and Harbison Twilight Musicmore info...
Wednesday, March 9, 2016CMS on TourHarris TheatreChicago, ILwith Wu Han, Chad Hoopes, Paul Neubauer, David Finckel, José Franch-BallesterMozart Trio in E-flat Major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, "Kegelstatt", Mendelssohn Andate and Allegro brillant for Piano, Four Hands, Op. 92, Schoenfield Trio for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano, Schumann Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47more info...
Sunday, February 28, 2016Duo Recital with Nicolas AltstaedtMill Valley Chamber Music SocietyMarin County, CAincludes Debussy Cello Sonata, Beethoven Op. 102 No. 1, Brahms Sonata No. 2 in F Majormore info...
Saturday, February 20, 2016CMS on TourW.E. Singleton Center for the Performing ArtsRichmond, VAwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Neubauer, and Paul WatkinsBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Thursday, February 18, 2016CMS on TourStaples Family Concert HallMt. Pleasant, MIwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Neubauer, and Paul WatkinsBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Monday, February 16, 2015CMS on TourVancouver PlayhouseVancouver, CAwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Neubauer, and Paul WatkinsBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Sunday, February 14, 2016CMS on TourAthenaeumLa Jolla, CAwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Neubauer, and Paul WatkinsBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Saturday, February 13, 2016CMS on TourSunset Cultural CenterCarmel, CAwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Neubauer, and Paul WatkinsBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Thursday, February 11, 2016CMS on TourMenlo-Atherton PACMenlo Park, CAwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Neubauer, and Paul WatkinsBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, Dohnányi Serenade for Strings, Dvorák Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 87more info...
Sunday, January 24, 2016Florida OrchestraRichard B. Baumgardner CenterClearwater, FLMichael Francis conductsMozart K. 488more info...
Saturday, January 23, 2016Florida OrchestraDuke Energy Center for the ArtsSt. Petersburg, FLMichael Francis conductsMozart K. 488more info...
Thursday, January 22, 2015Florida OrchestraStraz Center for the Performing ArtsTampa, FLMichael Francis conductsMozart K. 488more info...
Tuesday, January 19, 2016Solo Recital at UGARamsey HallAtlanta, GABeethoven Op. 126, Op. 27, No. 2, Liszt Funérailles, Saint-Saëns Afrique, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Bluesmore info...
Saturday, January 16, 2016Frank Huang and Gilles Vonsattel at UGARamsey HallAthens, GABeethoven "Spring" Sonata, Prokofiev Sonata for violin and piano in f minor, and Beethoven "Kreutzer" Sonatamore info...
Sunday, January 10, 2016Solo recital at Howland Cultural CenterHowland Cultural CenterBeacon, NYBeethoven Six Bagatelles, Op. 126, Benjamin Shadowlines, Messiaen works tba, Debussy Preludes tba, Masques, D'un cahier d'esquisses, L'isle joyeusemore info...
Sunday, December 13, 2015Parlance Chamber ConcertsWest Side Presbyterian ChurchRidgewood, NJwith Kristen Lee and Paul WatkinsBeethoven "Kreutzer" Sonata for violin and piano, cello sonata Op. 69, piano trio Op. 70, No. 1more info...
Friday, December 4, 2015Recital with Gary HoffmanAsheville, NCBach Cello Suite No. 3, Beethoven Sonata Op. 69, Debussy L'isle joyeuse, Rachmaninoff Cello Sonatamore info...
Sunday, November 22, 2015Boston Chamber Music SocietySanders TheatreBoston, MAwith Charles Blandy, Jason Snider, and Harumi RhodesSchubert, Auf dem Strom D. 943, Brahms Regenlied and Nachklang, from Op. 59, Violin Sonata No. 1 in G Major, Op. 78, Horn Trio in E-flat Major, Op. 40more info...
Sunday, November 15, 2015Recital with Raphaël MerlinBurghof LörrachLörrach, GermanySchumann Fantasiestücke, Op. 73, Schubert "Arpeggione" D. 821, Brahms Sonata for cello and piano No. 2 in F Major, Op. 99more info...
Saturday, November 14, 2015Concours de Genève RetrospectiveBâtiment des forces motricesGeneva, SwitzerlandBeethoven Sonata quasi una fantasia, Op. 27, No. 2
Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues
Sunday, November 8, 2015Steinway Piano Series - OSU CorvallisLaSells Stewart CenterCorvallis, ORBeethoven Six Bagatelles, Op. 126, Liszt Pensée des morts, Funérailles, Janacek Sonata 1.X.1905, Debussy selections from Preludes, Ravel La Valsemore info...
Saturday, October 17, 2015Swiss Chamber ConcertsCentre BiotechGeneva, Switzerlandwith Daniel Haefliger, Ilya Gringolts, and Miguel Da SilvaShostakovich Piano Trios Nos. 1 and 2, Schnittke Piano Quartet, Mahler Piano Quartet
Tuesday, October 6, 2015Chamber Music/Compagnie du PonantIstanbul - Athenswith Todd Palmer, Hsin-Yun Huang, Edward Arron, and Jesse Mills, and presentations by Stuart IsacoffSolo piano recital, 3 chamber music concerts on board the Lyrial, Istanbul-Athens. Includes Beethoven piano quartet, Dvorak E-flat piano quartet, Messiaen Quatuor pour la fin du temps, Schumann Märchenbilder, Beethoven Sonata quasi una fantasia Op. 27, No. 2, works by Liszt, Ravel, and many others - till Oct 13more info...
Saturday, October 3, 2015Brattleboro Chamber SeriesCentre ChurchBrattleboro, VTwith Carmit Zori, Paul Neubauer, and Sophie ShaoBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, String Trio in G Major, Op. 9, No. 1, and Dvorak Piano Trio in F Minor, Op. 65more info...
Friday, October 2, 2015Middlebury Performing Arts SeriesMahaney Center for the ArtsMiddlebury, VTwith Carmit Zori, Paul Neubauer, and Sophie ShaoBeethoven Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16, String Trio in G Major, Op. 9, No. 1, and Dvorak Piano Trio in F Minor, Op. 65more info...
Sunday, September 13, 2015Five College New Music FestivalBezanson HallAmherst, MAMessiaen Ile de Feu 2, and selections from Preludesmore info...
Sunday, September 6, 2015Tannery Pond ConcertsTannery Pond, NYwith Edward Arron and Todd PalmerDebussy L'isle joyeuse, Messiaen Louange, Beethoven Op. 11 trio, Weber Le Grand Trio, Poulenc Clarinet Sonatamore info...
Wednesday, August 19, 2015Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Marya Martin, Frank Huang, Anthony Marwood, Richard O'Neill, Peter Stumpf, and Paul WatkinsBoccherini Flute Quintet in G Major, Schoenfield Café Music, Brahms Piano Quintetmore info...
Sunday, August 16, 2015Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Marya Martin, Stephen Williamson, Arnaud Sussman, Cynthia Phelps, Carter Brey, Donald Palma, and Ian David RosenbaumBeethoven Trio for Clarinet, Cello, and Piano, Op. 11, Jalbert Visual Abstract for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Piano, and Percussion, Schubert "Trout" Quintetmore info...
Wednesday, August 5, 2015Schubert Forever, Music@MenloThe Center for Performing Arts at Menlo-AthertonAtherton, CAwith Danbi Um, Paul Neubauer, and Dmitri AtapineSchumann Piano Quartetmore info...
Tuesday, August 4, 2015Schubert Forever, Music@MenloStent Family HallAtherton, CAwith Danbi Um, Paul Neubauer, and Dmitri AtapineSchumann Piano Quartetmore info...
Tuesday, July 28, 2015Schubertiade, Music@MenloStent Family HallAtherton, CAwith Nikolay Borchev, baritone, and the Escher QuartetDer Jüngling und der Tod, D. 545, Piano Sonata in c minor, D. 958, Der Tod und das Mädchen, String Quartet in d minor, D. 810, "Death and the Maiden"more info...
Wednesday, July 22, 2015Princeton Summer ConcertsRichardson AuditoriumPrinceton, NJwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyHarbison Twilight Music, Ravel Sonata for Violin and Piano, Brahms Horn Triomore info...
Sunday, July 19, 2015Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith the Ampion String Quartet and Jörg WidmannHaydn String Quartet Op. 77, No. 1, Mendelssohn Piano Quartet Op. 3, Mozart Quintet K. 581more info...
Saturday, July 11, 2015Rockport Chamber Music FestivalShalin Liu Performance CenterRockport, MAwith the Escher QuartetMozart Quartet No. 15, K. 421, Janacek Quartet No. 1 Kreutzer Sonata, Taneyev Piano Quintetmore info...
Saturday, June 27, 2015Cully Classique - RecitalNotre Dame à CullyCully, SwitzerlandBy candlelight...Janacek Sonata 1.X.1905, Messiaen Preludes, Ile de Feu 2, Debussy Feux d'Artifice, Masques, D'un cahier d'esquisses, L'isle joyeuse
Tuesday, June 2, 2015CMS on TourLG Arts CentreSeoul, Koreawith Wu Han, Paul Neubauer, David Shifrin, Arnaud Sussman, and David FinckelMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt” (1786)
Barber Souvenirs for Piano, Four Hands, Op. 28 (1951-52)
Schoenfield Trio for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano (1986)
Dvorák Quartet in E-flat major for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 87 (1889)
Sunday, May 31, 2015CMS on TourShanghai Oriental Arts CenterShanghai, Chinawith Wu Han, Paul Neubauer, David Shifrin, Arnaud Sussman, and David FinckelMozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano, K. 498, “Kegelstatt” (1786)
Barber Souvenirs for Piano, Four Hands, Op. 28 (1951-52)
Schoenfield Trio for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano (1986)
Dvorák Quartet in E-flat major for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 87 (1889)
Thursday, May 28, 2015Beijing Modern Music Festival/CMS on TourBeijing, Chinawith Wu Han, Paul Neubauer, Arnaud Sussman, David Shifrin, and David FinckelTsontakis KnickKnacks for Violin and Viola (2001)
Adolphe Couple for Cello and Piano (1998)
Jalbert Trio for Piano, Violin, and Cello (1998)
Zhou Tales from the Nine Bells for Clarinet, Violin, Viola, and Piano (2014)
Schoenfield Trio for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano (1986)
more info...
Sunday, May 24, 2015Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterMeeting House - Shaker VillageShaker Village, KYwith David Shifrin and Peter KolkayGlinka Trio Pathétique
Sunday, May 24, 2015Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterThe Barn at Shaker VillageShaker Village, KYwith David Shifrin and Arnaud SussmannSchoenfield Trio for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano
Saturday, May 23, 2015Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterMeeting House - Shaker VillageShaker Village, KYwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Neubauer, and the Escher String QuartetTsotakis KnickKnacks, Zhou Tales from the Nine Bells, Dvorak "American" Quartet
Saturday, May 23, 2015Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterBarn at Shaker VillageShaker Village, KYwith Arnaud Sussmann, Paul Neubauer, Escher String Quartet, Wu Han, Kristin Lee, David Shifrin, Peter KolkayGottschalk The Union, Barber Souvenirs, Dvorak Sonatina, Copland Appalachian Spring
Monday, May 18, 2015Jupiter Symphony Chamber PlayersGood Shepherd Presbyterian ChurchNew York, NYwith Xiao-Dong Wang, Lisa Shihoten, David Requiro, and Dimitri MurrathDvorak Quintet, Op. 81
Monday, May 18, 2015Jupiter Symphony Chamber PlayersGood Shepherd Presbyterian ChurchNew York, NYwith Xiao-Dong Wang, Lisa Shihoten, David Requiro, and Dimitri MurrathDvorak Quintet, Op. 81
Sunday, May 17, 2015Howland Chamber Music CircleBeacon, NYTrio Valtorna: with Ida Kavafian and David JolleyHarbison Twilight Music, Ravel Sonata for Violin and Piano, Brahms Trio in E-flat Major, Op. 40more info...
Monday, April 20, 2015CMS Gala ConcertAlice Tully HallNew York , NYwith Emanuel Ax, Alessio Bax, Anne-Marie McDermott, Joseph Kalichstein, and Wu Han
Friday, April 17, 2015UMass Bach FestivalBezanson HallAmherst, MAwith Opus One chamber orchestraBach d minor keyboard concerto
Saturday, April 11, 2015Sanford Hill Piano SeriesWestern Washington UniversityBellingham, WAScarlatti, Webern, Benjamin, Messiaen, Debussymore info...
Friday, April 10, 2015Irish Chamber OrchestraUniversity Concert HallLimerick, Irelandwith Jörg Widmann, Clairon McFadden, and the ICOMozart Don Giovanni Overture

Mozart Adagio and Fugue in C minor K.546

Widmann Attempt at a Fugue for Soprano and String Orchestra (World Premiere)

Widmann Sphinx Sayings & Riddles Canon for Soprano, Clarinet & Piano

Mendelssohn Symphony No. 5 Op. 107 Reformation
more info...
Thursday, April 9, 2015Irish Chamber OrchestraRDS Concert HallDublin, Irelandwith Jörg Widmann, Clairon McFadden, and the ICOMozart Don Giovanni Overture

Mozart Adagio and Fugue in C minor K.546

Widmann Attempt at a Fugue for Soprano and String Orchestra (World Premiere)

Widmann Sphinx Sayings & Riddles Canon for Soprano, Clarinet & Piano

Mendelssohn Symphony No. 5 Op. 107 Reformation
more info...
Thursday, April 2, 2015New Music in the Kaplan PenthouseKaplan Penthouse, Lincoln CenterNew York, NYwith James Ehnes, Andrew Armstrong, and Nick CanellakisTiensuu ...kahdenkesken, Bermel Death With Interruptions (world premiere), Kirchner Trio No. 1more info...
Sunday, March 22, 2015Bridgehampton Chamber MusicBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Sean Lee, Carter Brey, and Richard O'NeillMendelssohn Piano Trio in d minor, Mozart Piano Quartet in g minor
Friday, March 13, 2015Orchestra della Svizzera ItalianaAuditorio RSILugano, SwitzerlandHeinz Holliger conducts, with Hanna Weinmeister, violinBerg Kammerkonzert
Sunday, March 1, 2015Masterworks at BargemusicBargemusic, LTDBrooklyn, NYwith William Hite, tenorSchubert's Winterreisemore info...
Saturday, February 28, 2015Masterworks at BargemusicBargemusic, LTDBrooklyn, NYwith William Hite, tenorSchubert's Winterreisemore info...
Sunday, February 15, 2015Musical MasterworksFirst Congregational ChurchOld Lyme, CTwith Edward Arron, Todd Palmer, and Bella HristovaBeethoven Piano Trio, Op. 1, No. 3, Stravinsky Histoire du Soldat, Debussy Violin Sonata and Feux d'Artifice, Weber Le Grand Triomore info...
Saturday, February 14, 2015Musical MasterworksFirst Congregational ChurchOld Lyme, CTwith Edward Arron, Todd Palmer, and Bella HristovaBeethoven Piano Trio, Op. 1, No. 3, Stravinsky Histoire du Soldat, Debussy Violin Sonata and Feux d'Artifice, Weber Le Grand Triomore info...
Tuesday, February 10, 2015Chamber Music on MainColumbia Museum of ArtColumbia, SCwith Edward Arron, Todd Palmer, and Bella HristovaBeethoven Piano Trio, Op. 1, No. 3, Stravinsky Histoire du Soldat, Debussy Violin Sonata and Feux d'Artifice, Weber Le Grand Triomore info...
Monday, February 9, 2015Edward Arron and FriendsKershaw Center for the Fine ArtsCamden, SCwith Edward Arron, Todd Palmer, and Bella HristovaBeethoven Piano Trio, Op. 1, No. 3, Stravinsky Histoire du Soldat, Debussy Violin Sonata and Feux d'Artifice, Weber Le Grand Trio
Sunday, February 8, 2015USCB Festival SeriesCenter for the ArtsBeaufort, SCwith Edward Arron, Todd Palmer, and Bella HristovaBeethoven Piano Trio, Op. 1, No. 3, Stravinsky Histoire du Soldat, Debussy Violin Sonata and Feux d'Artifice, Weber Le Grand Triomore info...
Monday, February 2, 2015Chamber Music NorthwestPortland State University Lincoln Recital HallPortland, ORwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyBrahms Trio in E-flat Major for Horn, Violin, and Piano, Op. 40more info...
Friday, January 30, 2015Trio ValtornaSouthern Oregon University Music Recital HallAshland, ORwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyProgram includes Harbison Twilight Music and Brahms Trio in E-flat Major, Op. 40more info...
Thursday, January 29, 2015Chamber Music Northwest - Four Hands RecitalPortland State University Lincoln Recital HallPortland, ORwith Anne-Marie McDermottBarber Souvenirs, Debussy Petite Suite, and Stravinsky The Rite of Springmore info...
Tuesday, January 27, 2015Chamber Music NorthwestAlberta Rose TheatrePortland, ORwith David JolleyBeethoven Sonata in F Major for Horn and Piano, Op. 17more info...
Friday, January 9, 2015Piano Trios with Adam Barnett-Hart and Na-Young BaekBargemusic, LTDBrooklyn, NYHaydn C Major Trio XV: 27, Beethoven Op. 1, No. 3, and the Brahms C Majormore info...
December 7, 2014Chamber Music at Union CollegeMemorial ChapelSchenectady, NYwith Nikki Chooi, Hye-Jin Kim, Teng Li, and Sophie ShaoHaydn Piano Trio in C Major, Hob. XV:27, Su Lian Tan Revelations for Piano Quintet, Brahms Piano Quintetmore info...
December 5, 2014Middlebury College Performing Arts SeriesMahaney Center for the ArtsMiddlebury, VTwith Nikki Chooi, Hye-Jin Kim, Teng Li, and Sophie ShaoHaydn Piano Trio in C Major, Hob. XV:27, Su Lian Tan Revelations for Piano Quintet, Brahms Piano Quintetmore info...
November 18, 2014Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Tara Helen O'Connor, James Austin Smith, David Shfrin, Peter Kolkay, and Radovan VlatkovicBrett Dean's Polysomnography for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, and Piano (2007)more info...
November 13, 2014Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterRose Studio, Lincoln CenterNew York, NYwith the Danish QuartetVierne Piano Quintetmore info...
Mobile Chamber MusicLaidlaw Performing Arts CenterMobile, ALTrio ValtornaBrahms Horn Trio, Harbison Horn Trio, Brahms G Major Violin Sonatamore info...
October 26, 2014Sierre Art et MusiqueHôtel de VilleSierre, SwitzerlandBeethoven Op. 126 Bagatelles, Sonata quasi una fantasia Op. 27, no. 2, Liszt Funérailles, Pensée des morts, Debussy Preludes (selections), Ravel La Valse
October 9, 2014BCMF Cruise/ConcertsVenice to Dubrovnikwith Ani Kavafian, Clive Greensmith, and Marya Martin - from October 9 to 17Piano Trios of Brahms, Mendelssohn, and othersmore info...
October 5, 2014Parlance Chamber ConcertsWest Side Presbyterian ChurchRidgewood, NJwith Arnaud Sussmann, Erin Keefe, Osmo Vänskä, Hsin-Yun Huang, and Rafael RigueroaMozart Sonata in e minor, K. 304, Bartók Contrasts, Brahms Piano Quintetmore info...
September 14, 2014Four Seasons Chamber Music FestivalSt. Michael's Episcopal ChurchRaleigh, NCwith Erin Keefe, Ara Gregorian, Hsin-Yun Huang, and David RequiroBrahms Sonatensatz, Dohnanyi Piano Quintet No. 1, Brahms Piano Quintet
September 12, 2014Four Seasons Chamber Music FestivalA.J. Fletcher Recital HallGreenville, NCwith Erin Keefe, Ara Gregorian, Hsin-Yun Huang, and David RequiroBrahms Sonatensatz, Dohnanyi Piano Quintet No. 1, Brahms Piano Quintet
September 11, 2014Four Seasons Chamber Music FestivalA.J. Fletcher Recital HallGreenville, NCwith Erin Keefe, Ara Gregorian, Hsin-Yun Huang, and David RequiroBrahms Sonatensatz, Dohnanyi Piano Quintet No. 1, Brahms Piano Quintet
August 10, 2014Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Marya Martin, Jennifer Frautschi, Cynthia Phelps, Jennifer Johnson, and Clive GreensmithWorld premiere, Howard Shore, Fauré Morceau de lecture and Piano Quartet No. 1 in c minormore info...
August 6, 2014Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Erin Keefe, violin, Clive Greensmith, cello, Marya Martin, flute, and Jennifer Frautschi, violinSchubert Notturno, Rorem Bright Musicmore info...
July 30, 2014Music@MenloMenlo Park, CAvarious performances including Carte Blanche recitalmore info...
July 29, 2014RecitalCour de l'Hôtel de VilleGeneva, Switzerlandbad weather venue: Victoria HallBeethoven Six Bagatelles, Op. 126, Holliger Partita, Janacek Sonata 1.X. 1905, Ravel Sonatine, Honegger Hommage à Ravel, Ravel Gaspard de la Nuit
July 21, 2014Bravo! Vail - Bartók and ReichDonovan PavilionVail, COwith Anne-Marie McDermott and Third Coast PercussionBartók Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, Reich Sextetmore info...
July 20, 2014Colorado Music Festival - Mozart Concerto K. 467Chataqua AuditoriumBoulder, COCarlos Miguel Prieto conductsHaydn Symphony No. 49, Beethoven Symphony No. 4, Mozart K.467/No. 21more info...
June 27, 2014Caramoor FestivalCaramoor - Spanish CourtyardKatonah, NYwith Tessa Lark, Jesse Mills, Max Mandel, and Edward ArronTurina Scène Andalouse, Mendelssohn String Quintet Op. 18, and the Taneyev Piano Quintetmore info...
June 5, 2014Solo RecitalFreer GalleryWashington, D.C.Beethoven Op. 126 Bagatelles, Op. 27, No. 2, Liszt Pensée des Morts, Schumann Arabeske, Debussy complete Imagesmore info...
May 29, 2014International Sejong Soloists ConcertIBKSeoul, ROKwith Adam Barnett Hart, violin, Na young Baek cello, and Yunah Lee , sopranoBach The Art of the Fugue Selections, Mendelssohn piano trio in d minor, Lieder by Mozart and Beethovenmore info...
May 18, 2014Solo RecitalPhoenix HallOsaka, JapanRavel Sonatine, Beethoven Sonata quasi una fantasia Op. 27, no. 2, Liszt Jeux d'Eau à la Villa d'Este, Funérailles, Schumann Arabeske, Debussy Images, Ravel La Valse
May 16, 2014Solo RecitalMusashino HallTokyo, JapanRavel Sonatine, Beethoven Sonata quasi una fantasia Op. 27, no. 2, Liszt Jeux d'Eau à la Villa d'Este, Funérailles, Schumann Arabeske, Debussy Images, Ravel La Valse
May 9, 2014Recital at Rockefeller UniversityCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NYmore info...
April 26, 2014Trio Concert - California Music CenterMaybeck Studio for the Performing ArtsBerkeley, CAwith Frank Huang, violin, and David Requiro, celloHaydn Trio in A Major Hob XV: 18, Schumann Trio in d minor, Brahms Trio in C Major
April 18, 2014Solo RecitalBargemusicNew York, NYBeethoven Six Bagatelles Op. 126, Benjamin Shadow Lines, Messiaen Cloches d'angoisse et larmes d'adieu, Liszt Pensée des Morts, Holliger Partita, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Bluesmore info...
April 11, 2014Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Nicolas Dautricourt, Nicolas Alstaedt, and Jörg WidmannJalbert Visual Abstract, and Messiaen's Quatuor pour la fin du tempsmore info...
April 10, 2014Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterLibrary of CongressWashington, D.C.with Nicolas Dautricourt, Nicolas Alstaedt, and Jörg WidmannJalbert Visual Abstract, and Messiaen's Quatuor pour la fin du tempsmore info...
March 23, 2014Solo RecitalBASFLudwigshafen, GermanyBeethoven Bagatelles Op. 126, Liszt Funérailles, Pensée des Morts, and others
March 20, 2014Trio ValtornaAmerican TheatreHampton, VAwith Ida Kavafian, violin, and David Jolley, hornBrahms Sonata for Violin and Piano in G Major, Horn Trio
March 15, 2014Solo Recital, Gretna MusicLeffler Performance CtrElizabethtown, PABeethoven Sonata Op. 27, No. 2, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues, Ives Concord Sonatamore info...
March 10, 2014Solo RecitalBezanson HallAmherst, MABeethoven Sonata Op. 27, No. 2, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues, Ives Concord Sonatamore info...
February 23, 2014Solo RecitalHowland Cultural CenterBeacon, NYBeethoven Sonata Op 27, No. 2, Liszt Les Jeux d'Eau à la Villa d'Este, Funérailles, Pensée des Morts, Messiaen Preludes, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Bluesmore info...
February 6, 2014Montgomery Chamber MusicMontgomery Museum of Fine ArtsMontgomery, ALwith Frank Huang, violin, and Sophie Shao, celloHaydn Piano Trio Hob. XV No. 18, Schumann Piano Trio in d minor Op. 63, Brahms Piano Trio in C Major, Op. 87
January 28, 2014Tuesdays in BezansonBezanson HallAmherst, MAwith Nadine Shank, Laura Klock, Astrid Schween, Marie-Volcy Pelletier, Elizabeth Chang, and Ron GovericAll Schumann: Andante and Variations, Op. 46, Fantasiestücke, Op. 73, Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47
January 20, 2014Jupiter Symphony Chamber PlayersGood Shepherd Presbyterian ChurchNew York, NYGrieg Andante con moto, Sinding Piano Quintetmore info...
January 20, 2014Jupiter Symphony Chamber PlayersGood Shepherd Presbyterian ChurchNew York, NYGrieg Andante con moto, Sinding Piano Quintetmore info...
January 13, 2014Piano Quartets with Corey Cerovsek, Hsin-Yun Huang, and Zvi PlesGrande salle du ConservatoireGenève, SwitzerlandMozart K. 493, Mahler piano quartet, and Schumann piano quartet
January 12, 2014Piano Quartets with Corey Cerovsek, Hsin-Yun Huang, and Zvi PlesSalle de la ColombièreNyon, SwitzerlandMozart K. 493 and Schumann piano quartet
December 17, 2013Mozart Im SpiegelGare du NordBasel, Switzerlandwith Heinz Holliger, Hanna Weinmeister, Jürg Dähler, and Daniel HaefligerKelterborn, Fünf Stücke für Oboe und Klavier, Mozart Piano Quartet K. 493, works by Cerha, Mamlok, and Thurnermore info...
December 16, 2013Mozart Im SpiegelConservatorioLugano, Switzerlandwith Heinz Holliger, Hanna Weinmeister, Jürg Dähler, and Daniel HaefligerKelterborn, Fünf Stücke für Oboe und Klavier, Mozart Piano Quartet K. 493, works by Cerha, Mamlok, and Thurnermore info...
December 15, 2013Mozart Im SpiegelGrosser Saal Zürcher Hochschule der KünsteZürich, Switzerlandwith Heinz Holliger, Hanna Weinmeister, Jürg Dähler, and Daniel HaefligerKelterborn, Fünf Stücke für Oboe und Klavier, Mozart Piano Quartet K. 493, works by Cerha, Mamlok, and Thurnermore info...
December 13, 2013Mozart Im SpiegelConservatoire, Place de NeuveGeneva, Switzerlandwith Heinz Holliger, Hanna Weinmeister, Jürg Dähler, and Daniel HaefligerKelterborn, Fünf Stücke für Oboe und Klavier, Mozart Piano Quartet K. 493, works by Cerha, Mamlok, and Thurnermore info...
December 8, 2013Sophie Shao and FriendsUnion CollegeSchenectady, NYwith Sophie Shao and Frank HuangHaydn Trio XV: 18, Brahms C Major Trio, Schumann d minor Triomore info...
December 7, 2013Piano Trios with Sophie Shao and Frank HuangBezanson HallAmherst, MAHaydn Trio in A Major XV: 18, Brahms C Major Trio, Schumann d minor Trio
December 1, 2013Live at the EversonHosmer Auditorium, Everson MuseumSyracuse, NYHaydn Piano Trios with Sarah Vonsattel and Ani Kalayjianmore info...
November 17, 2013Meet the Music - CMS of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYmore info...
November 16, 2013Meet the Music - CMS of Lincoln CenterPrinceton UniversityPrinceton, NJmore info...
November 7, 2013New Music in the Kaplan PenthouseChamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterNew York, NYalso includes Abrahamsen Ten Preludes for String Quartet and Golijov The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the BlindLieberson for Piano and Strings, with the Danish Quartetmore info...
October 27, 2013Recital with violinist Soovin KimHowland Cultural CenterBeacon, NYMozart K. 305 and 306, Beethoven c minor Violin Sonata, and Brahms G Major violin sonata
October 25, 2013Trio ValtornaLeFrak AuditoriumQueens, NYwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyBrahms Sonata No. 3 in D minor, Harbison Twilight Music, Brahms Horn Triomore info...
October 18, 2013Detroit Pro Musica, Solo RecitalOrchestra HallDetroit, MIHolliger Partita, Liszt Jeux d'Eau, Funérailles, Beethoven Op. 27, No. 2 "Moonlight", Debussy Images Série II, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Bluesmore info...
October 16, 2013Fisher Music Residency Concert, Solo RecitalMerrick HallBaltimore, MDHolliger Partita, Liszt Jeux d'Eau, Funérailles, Beethoven Op. 27, No. 2 "Moonlight", Debussy Images Série II, Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Bluesmore info...
October 5, 2013Springfield SymphonySpringfield Symphony HallSpringfield, MARavel Concerto in G Major; Kevin Rhodes conductsmore info...
September 20, 2013Concert Bach HolligerSalle du ConservatoireGeneva, Switzerlandwith Daniel Haefliger, Felix Renggli, and Ilya GringoltsHolliger Romancendres, Partita, J.S. Bach's A Musical Offering
September 5, 2013Lucerne Festival Solo RecitalLucerne Grand Casino, CasineumLucerne, SwitzerlandSaint-Saëns Afrique, Beethoven Op. 27, No. 2, Liszt Jeux d'Eau and Funérailles, Xenakis Evryali, and Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Bluesmore info...
August 30, 2013Solo RecitalBechstein CentrumFrankfurt Am Main, GermanySaint-Saëns Afrique, Beethoven Op. 27, No. 2, Liszt Jeux d'Eau and Funérailles, Xenakis Evryali, and Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues
August 23, 2013Lake Champlain Chamber Music FestivalElley-Long Music CenterColchester, VTwith Phil Setzer and Marcy RosenLiszt/Saint-Saëns Orphée, Haydn Piano Trio in A Majormore info...
August 19, 2013Lake Champlain Chamber Music FestivalElley-Long Music CenterColchester, VTSolo Recital: Beethoven, Liszt, Saint-Saëns, Rzewskimore info...
August 16, 2013Bard FestivalFisher Center for the Performing Arts at Bard CollegeAnnadale-on-Hudson, NYStravinsky Sonata for Two Pianos, Messiaen Mode de valeurs et d'intensitésmore info...
August 11, 2013Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYTBD - world premiere by Kevin Putsmore info...
July 24, 2013Music@MenloMenlo Park, CAon Artist-Faculty, July 24 - August 3Franck Quintet, J.S. Bach Preludes and Fugues, Shostakovich Preludes and Fugues, Debussy Preludes...more info...
July 19, 2013Bowdoin FestivalCrooker TheaterBrunswick, MEwith Frank Huang and David RequiroBrahms Trio Op. 101more info...
July 11, 2013Solo RecitalShalin Liu Performance CenterRockport, MASaint-Saëns Afrique, Beethoven Sonata Op. 27 No. 2, Liszt Jeux d'Eau and Funérailles, Holliger Partita, and Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Bluesmore info...
June 30, 2013CaramoorVenetian TheaterKatonah, NYBeethoven Sonata Op. 12, No. 2 with Joseph Linmore info...
May 17, 2013Duo RecitalStadthaus WinterthurWinterthur, Switzerlandwith Jürg Dähler, altoMarin Marais Five Dances, Mendelssohn Lieder ohne Worte Op. 19, Lehmann Lieder ohne Worte, Schumann Märchenbilder
May 16, 2013Schumann Im SpiegelSalle du ConservatoireGeneva, Switzerlandwith Jürgh Dähler and Daniel HaefligerGeorge Benjamin's Shadowlines, Schumann's Fantasiestücke and Märchenbilder, new works by Martin Schlumpf and Hans Ulrich Lehmannmore info...
May 15, 2013Schumann Im SpiegelGare du NordBasel, Switzerlandwith Jürgh Dähler and Daniel HaefligerGeorge Benjamin's Shadowlines, Schumann's Fantasiestücke and Märchenbilder, new works by Martin Schlumpf and Hans Ulrich Lehmannmore info...
May 14, 2013Schumann Im SpiegelKirche St. PeterZürich, Switzerlandwith Jürgh Dähler and Daniel HaefligerGeorge Benjamin's Shadowlines, Schumann's Fantasiestücke and Märchenbilder, new works by Martin Schlumpf and Hans Ulrich Lehmannmore info...
May 12, 2013Schumann Im SpiegelConservatorioLugano, Switzerlandwith Jürgh Dähler and Daniel HaefligerGeorge Benjamin's Shadowlines, Schumann's Fantasiestücke and Märchenbilder, new works by Martin Schlumpf and Hans Ulrich Lehmannmore info...
April 28, 2013Solo RecitalXavier UniversityCincinnati, OHBeethoven Op. 126 Bagatelles, Holliger Partita, Ravel Sonatine and Gaspard de la Nuitmore info...
April 15, 2013Jupiter Chamber PlayersGood Shepherd Presbyterian ChurchNew York, NYRaff Grand Quintuormore info...
April 15, 2013Jupiter PlayersGood Shepherd Presbyterian ChurchNew York, NYRaff Grand Quintuormore info...
April 7, 2013Glorious MozartBezanson HallAmherst, MAwith the Avanti Wind QuintetMozart Wind Quintet K. 452
April 5, 2013RecitalWigmore HallLondon, UKBeethoven Six Bagatelles Op. 126, Holliger Partita, Ravel Sonatine, Honegger Hommage à Ravel, Ravel Gaspard de la Nuit
March 10, 2013RecitalChapin Hall, Bernhard Music CenterWilliamstown, MABeethoven Six Bagatelles Op. 126, Holliger Partita, Ravel Sonatine, Honegger Hommage à Ravel, Ravel Gaspard de la Nuitmore info...
February 27, 2013Eternal ViennaPalais MontcalmQuebec City, CanadaFabien Gabel conducts the L'orchestre symphonique de QuébecMozart Concerto K. 271 "Jeunehomme"more info...
February 24, 2013CMS of Lincoln Center TourIsabella Stewart Gardner MuseumBoston, MAwith David Shifrin, Peter Kolkay, Steven Taylor, and William PurvisPoulenc Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano, and Mozart Wind Quintet K. 452more info...
February 22, 2013RecitalBurghofLörrach, GermanyPoulenc Les Soirées de Nazelles, Debussy Images Série I + II, Ravel Sonatine, Honegger Hommage à Ravel, Ravel Gaspard de la Nuit
February 17, 2013Mozart Concertos with L'orchestre de chambre de GenèveVictoria HallGeneva, Switzerlandwith David Greilsammer and Andrew Von OeyenMozart Concerto for 3 Pianos, K. 242more info...
February 10, 2013Steinway Piano SeriesLe Petit Trianon TheatreSan Jose, CAPoulenc Les Soirées de Nazelles, Debussy Images Séries I + II, Liszt St. François marchat sur les flots, Holliger Elis, and Ravel Gaspard de la Nuit
February 5, 2013Winter WindsAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith David Shifrin, Peter Kolkay, Steven Taylor, and William PurvisPoulenc Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano, and Mozart Wind Quintet K. 452
February 4, 2013CMS of Lincoln Center TourDrew UniversityMadison, NJwith David Shifrin, Peter Kolkay, Steven Taylor, and William PurvisPoulenc Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano and Mozart Wind Quintet K. 452more info...
January 31, 2013CMS of Lincoln Center TourBerman Center for the Performing ArtsWest Bloomfield, MIwith David Shifrin, Peter Kolkay, Steven Taylor, and William PurvisPoulenc Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano, and the Mozart Wind Quintet K. 452more info...
January 29, 2013CMS of Lincoln Center TourCarnegie Music HallPittsburg, PAwith David Shifrin, Peter Kolkay, Steven Taylor, and William PurvisPoulenc Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano, and Mozart Wind Quintet K. 452more info...
November 18, 2012Trio Valtorna ConcertDanbury Concert AssociationDanbury, CTwith Ida Kavafian and David JolleyBrahms G Major Violin Sonata, Harbison Twilight Music, Brahms Horn Triomore info...
November 13, 2012Mozart Connections, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYcheck the link for performers and details!Mozart E-flat Major Piano Quartet, Kegelstatt Trio, Mackey Micro-concertomore info...
November 7, 2012RecitalEmbassy of Switzerland, MadridMadrid, Spainincludes Beethoven Sonata Op. 31, No. 1, Liszt St. François de Paule marchant sur les flots
November 5, 2012Staatskapelle HalleHalle, GermanyJosep Caballé-Domenech conductsRachmaninoff Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganinimore info...
November 4, 2012Staatskapelle HalleThalia TheaterHalle, GermanyJosep Caballé-Domenech conductsRachmaninoff Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganinimore info...
October 18, 2012New Music in the Kaplan PenthouseChamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterNew York, NYwith Nicolas Altstaedt and Ian RosenbaumHolliger Romancendres, Aperghis Quatre pièces fébrilesmore info...
October 14, 2012Mainly MozartSan Diego, CAwith Frank Huang, violn, and David Requiro, celloBeethoven, Schubert, and Mozart trios
September 28, 2012 to October 5, 2012Croisière sur l'Austral (Compagnie du Ponant)with Joel Pitchon, Volcy Pelletier, Sarah Crocker, Ron Carbone, Michael Sussman...Athens, Istanbul, plenty of things in between2 solo piano recitals, 2 chamber music concerts - Schumann, Milhaud, Liszt, Ravel, etc!more info...
September 23, 2012Smith Chamber Music SocietySweeney HallNorthampton, MAThe Rose-Colored Glasses...Schumann Märchenerzahlungen and others
September 9, 2012Five College New MusicBezanson HallAmherst, MAamazing piece...George Benjamin's Shadowlines for solo piano
August 26, 2012Music From Angel FirevariousAngel Fire, NMmore tbd, Will be there for a weekPoulenc Sextet, Franck Quintet, others!more info...
August 19, 2012Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Edward Arron and Stefan JackiwShostakovich Trio No. 2more info...
August 16, 2012Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NYwith Marya Martin, Romie de Guise-Langlois, Ani Kavafian, Joseph Lin, Peter Stumpf, and Hsin-Yun HuangVine Café Concertino, Franck Quintet, Beethoven Op. 11 Triomore info...
August 11, 2012Bard Music FestivalOlin HallAnnandale-on-Hudson, NYwith Edward Arron, celloSaint-Saëns Cello Sonata No. 1, Liszt St. François marchant sur les flotsmore info...
August 10, 2012Bard Music FestivalSosnoff TheaterAnnandale-on-Hudson, NYSaint-Saëns Africamore info...
July 31, 2012Nantucket Musical Arts Society, Solo RecitalNantucket, MABeethoven Op. 31 No. 1, Sibelius Kyllikki, Liszt St. François, Holliger Elis, Ravel Gaspard
July 20, 2012Upper Galilee Music Festival/Jerusalem Academy International SumIsraelMusicians include Zvi Plesser, Guy Braunstein, Yehonatan Berick, Emmanuel Pahud, David Stern, and many othersmany, many pieces! from 20 to 28 July
July 14, 2012San Francisco SymphonyDavies Symphony HallSan Francisco, CAMichael Francis conductsBeethoven Piano Concerto No. 1more info...
July 11, 2012Strings Music FestivalStrings Music PavilionSteamboat Springs, COsame musiciansGrieg Violin Sonata No. 2, Schumann Adagio and Allegro, Fauré G Minor Piano Quartetmore info...
July 7, 2012Strings Music FestivalStrings Music PavilionSteamboat Springs, COwith Andrés Cárdenes, Arturo Delmoni, Ani Kalayjian, the Perry-Mansfield Dance CompanySchubert Fantasie D. 934, Baker Two Dancesmore info...
23 June, 2012Getting Married :)somewhere in the Alps
May 28, 2012Honens Laureate CircleNACOttawa, CanadaBeethoven Op. 31 No. 1, Liszt St. François marchant sur les flots
May 13, 2012Trio Concerts w/ Arnaud Sussmann and Edward ArronHowland Chamber Music CircleBeacon, NYBeethoven Op. 44 Variations, Dvorak Op. 65, Shostakovich Trio No. 2more info...
May 10, 2012Bargemusic LTD, Piano TriosBargemusic LTDBrooklyn, NYwith Edward Arron and Arnaud SussmannShostakovich Trio No. 2, Dvorak Op. 65, Beethoven Op. 44more info...
May 5, 2012Brahms No. 1 with Calgary PhilharmonicJack Singer Concert HallCalgary, CanadaRoberto Minczuk conductsmore info...
May 4, 2012Brahms No. 1 with Calgary PhilharmonicJack Singer Concert HallCalgary, CanadaRoberto Minczuk conductsmore info...
April 22, 2012Trio Valtorna concertMcKenna Theatre, Creative Arts Building - San Francisco State UnSan Francisco, CAIda Kavafian - violin; David Jolley - hornmore info...
April 20, 2012Recital in BezansonRecital in BezansonN Pleasant St.
April 14, 2012Southampton Cultural Center Recital SeriesSouthampton Cultural CenterSouthampton, NYSolo recital program tbd
April 5, 2012New Music in the Kaplan PenthouseLincoln Center for the Performing ArtsNew York, NYChamber Music Society of Lincoln Center; performers are Claron McFadden, Jörg WidmannWidmann/Benjamin;
March 13, 2012Concert Arts et LettresThéâtre de VeveyVevey, Switzerlandrepeat program from March 12
March 12, 2012Temps et MusiqueConservatoire de MusiqueGeneva, SwitzerlandBeethoven Op. 30, No. 2 and Chausson Concert with Corey Cerovsek and the Doric Quartet
March 4, 2012Beethoven SonatasTeatro ColsubsidioBogota, ColombiaOp. 10, No.3, Op. 31, No. 1, Op. 54, Op. 81a "Lebewohl"
February 24, 2012WinterreiseShalin Liu Performing CenterRockport, MASchubert's Winterreise with William Hite, Tenor
February 20, 2012Jupiter Symphony Chamber PlayersGood Shepherd ChurchNew York, NYMartucci Piano Quintet with Stefan Jackiw, Dov Schiendlin, Lisa Shihoten, and David Requiro
February 20, 2012Jupiter Symphony Chamber PlayersGood Shepherd ChurchNew York, NYrepeat!
February 16, 2012The Zimro ProjectBrooks Center for the Performing ArtsClemson, SCwith Alex Fiterstein and Nick CanellakisBrahms and Beethoven Clarinet Trios, Schoenfield Refractions
February 12, 2012The Zimro ProjectBargemusic, LTDNew York, NYwith Alex Fiterstein and Nick CanellakisBeethoven and Brahms Clarinet Trios, Schoenfield Refractions
February 3, 2012Solo Recital - KlavierissimoMusikkollegium Zürcher OberlandWetzikon, SwitzerlandBeethoven Op. 31, No. 1, Sibelius Kyllikki, Bartok Out of Doors, Holliger Elis, Schubert D. 958
January 28, 2012WinterreiseBezanson HallAmherst, MASchubert's Winterreise with William Hite, Tenor
January 26, 2012WinterreiseGoethe InstitutBoston, MASchubert's Winterreise with William Hite, Tenor
December 8, 2011Beethoven at the WGBH StudiosWGBHBoston, MABeethoven Op. 81a "Lebewohl" and An Die Ferne Geliebte
December 4, 2011Brooklyn Friends of Chamber MusicLafayette Avenue Presbyterian ChurchBrooklyn, NYwith Harumi Rhodes, Priscilla Lee, and Ah LingBeethoven Op. 1, No. 1, Joan Tower's "Big Sky", and the Goetz Piano Quartet
November 21, 2011ConcertanteMerkin HallNew York, NYrepeat
November 11, 2011ConcertanteBolton Street SynagogueBaltimore, MDrepeat
November 18, 2011ConcertanteRose Lehrman Arts CenterHarrisburg, PAwith Xiaodong Wang, Rachel Shapiro, and Zvi PlesserLiszt Vallée d'Obermann, Fauré G Minor Piano Quartet
November 10, 2011Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterKaplan PenthouseNew York, NYSchnittke Piano Quartet, Kurtág Hommage à Schumann, Harbison Songs America Loves to Sing
November 6, 2011Musical Masterworks tourUniversity of South CarolinaBeaufort, SCrepeat
November 4, 2011Musical Masterworks tourCamden Arts CenterCamden, SCrepeat
November 3, 2011Musical Masterworks tourColumbia Museum of ArtColumbia, SCrepeat
October 30, 2011Musical Masterworks tourOld Lyme First Congregational ChurchOld Lyme, CTrepeat
October 29, 2011Musical Masterworks tourOld Lyme First Congregational ChurchOld Lyme, CTwith Todd Palmer, Aaron Boyd, and Edward ArronHaydn Piano Trio XV: 27, Schickele piano quartet, Brahms clarinet trio
October 11, 2011Chamber Music in BezansonBezanson HallAmherst, MAwith Liz Chang and Laura KlockBrahms Horn Trio
October 1, 2011Solo Recital at RaviniaBennett Gordon HallHighland Park, ILprogram includes Ravel Gaspard, Schubert D. 958, Dallapiccola Sonatina Canonica, Holliger Elis
September 9, 2011New Music in BezansonBezanson Recital HallAmherst, MABenjamin Shadowlines
September 9, 2011Five College New Music FestivalBezanson HallAmherst, MASalvatore Macchia's Sinfonia Concertante - premiere
August 20, 2011Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton Presbyterian ChurchBridgehampton, NY
August 14, 2011Bard Music FestivalSosnoff TheaterAnnadale-On-Hudon, NYSibelius Kyllikki and Rachmaninoff Suite No. 2 with Orion Weiss
August 7, 2011Bridgehampton Chamber Music Festival
August 6, 2011Bridgehampton Chamber Music FestivalBridgehampton, NY
July 30, 2011Strings FestivalStrings PavilionSteamboat Springs, COwith Andres Cardenes, Anne Williams, and Becca AlbersBeethoven Ghost Trio, Schumann Märchenbilder
July 27, 2011Strings FestivalStrings PavilionSteamboat Springs, COwith Andres Cardenes and Anne WilliamsHaydn Gypsy Trio
July 17, 2011Mozart K. 466 with San Francisco SymphonyDavies Symphony HallSan Francisco, CAMichael Francis conductsMozart D minor concerto
July 7, 2011Recital with Tai MurrayAuer Hall, Indiana UniversityBloomington, IDEnescu, Bartok, Ravel, Schubert
June 30, 2011West Cork Chamber Music FestivalBantry HouseWest Cork, IrelandChristian Poltera, Tai MurrayRavel Trio
June 26, 2011West Cork Chamber Music FestivalSt. Brendan's ChurchWest Cork, Irelandwith Tai MurrayEnescu Sonata No. 3, Ravel Sonata, Bartok Rhapsody No. 2
June 11, 2011Rockport Chamber Music FestivalShalin Liu Performance CenterRockport, MAwith Stefan JackiwBrahms Violin Sonata No. 1, Stravinsky Suite Italienne, Strauss Violin Sonata
May 12, 2011Solo RecitalChapelle historique du Bon-pasteurMontreal, Canada
April 16, 2011Solo RecitalGasteigMunich, GermanyDallapiccola, Ravel, Debussy, Holliger
March 30, 2011SCCKirche St. PeterZurich, Switzerlandrepeat program
March 29, 2011SCCGare du NordBasel, Switzerlandrepeat
March 27, 2011Festival Archipel/SCCSalle communale de PlainpalaisGeneva, Switzerlandrepeat
March 25, 2011SCC Swiss Chamber ConcertsConservatoireLugano, Switzerlandwith Jörg Dahler, Esther Hoppe, Daniel Haefliger, François BendaXenakis Mists, Holliger Romancendres, Schumann Märchenerzahlungen, Märchenbilder
March 19, 2011Mozart Concertos with Musikkollegium WinterthurStadthaus WinterthurWinterthur, SwitzerlandMozart K. 466 and 488
March 18, 2011Mozart concertos with Musikkollegium WinterthurStadthaus WinterthurWinterthur, SwitzerlandMozart K. 466 and 488
February 20, 2011RezitalTonhalleZürich, Switzerlandwith Werner BärtschiMozart Sonata for 2 pianos and Ravel Sonatine
February 13, 2011Gilmore Festival Solo RecitalWellspring TheatreKalamazoo, MIGilmore Rising Star
Friday, July 12, 2019New at noon, Chamber Music NorthwestLincoln Recital Hall, PSUFREDERIC RZEWSKI Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues for Solo Piano (1980)more info...
Friday, July 12, 2019New@noon at Chamber Music NorthwestLincoln Recital Hall, PSUwith Yura Lee, the Miró Quartet, and Daniel SchlosbergFREDERIC RZEWSKI Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues for Solo Piano (1980)
CAROLINE SHAW Entr’acte for String Quartet (2011)
OLLI MUSTONEN Sonata for Violin and Piano (2012)
more info...



Künstleragentur Henriette Haage
Blankeneser Hauptstr. 137
22587 Hamburg
Tel.: +49/(0)40/854 00 504
mob.: +49/(0)173/612 42 51
Fax.: +49/(0)40/854 00 505


Dispeker Artists
Emmy Tu
Director, Instrumentalists
Ensembles & Special Projects
59 East 54th Street, Suite 81
New York, NY 10022
Tel: (212) 421-7676
Fax: (212) 935-3279

Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata Op. 81a - Les Adieux
I - Adagio - Allegro
Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata Op. 81a - Les Adieux
II - Andante espressivo
Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata Op. 81a - Les Adieux
III - Vivacissimamente
Béla Bartók
Out of Doors
Robert Schumann
Elliot Carter
Night Fantasies

Publicity Photos

Bela Bartok: Out of Doors Suite, Sz. 81 — Gilles Vonsattel,
LIVE & UNEDITED, Recorded on January 16th, 2017 at The Huntington Library, Pasadena, CA, Gilles Vonsattel performs Bártok's Out of Doors Suite, Sz. 81 http:/...
Beethoven: Piano Sonata Nº. 32 in C Minor, Op. 111 — Gil
LIVE & UNEDITED, February 12, 2019 at The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, Gilles Vonsattel performs Beethoven's Op. 111 Piano Sonata in C Minor.http://ww...
Gilles Vonsattel plays Debussy's L'isle Joyeuse
Debussy's L'isle Joyeause is featured on Swiss-born American pianist Gilles Vonsattel's second studio recording on the Honens label.
Gilles Vonsattel, piano: Bach D-minor Piano Concerto, BWV 1052 -
Allegro: 00:00 Adagio: 7:19 Allegro 13:49 This performance of Bach’s D-minor Keyboard Concerto, BWV 1052 featuring pianist Gilles Vonsattel took place on Mar...
Bach: Concerto in G minor for Keyboard, BWV 975 (after Vivaldi R
Recorded live in Alice Tully Hall on May 20, 2018. Video produced by Ibis Productions. Artists: Gilles Vonsattel, piano About YouTube Donations: https://supp...
Debussy Feux d'artifice from Preludes Book II - YouTube
Gilles Vonsattel, piano Watch Gilles Vonsattel's full recital featuring music by Dussek, Beethoven, Rzewski, and Liszt at https://www.chambermusicsociety.org...
Music in Focus: Beethoven Cello Sonata in F Major, op. 5. no. 1
II. Rondo. Allegro vivace. David Requiro, cello; Gilles Vonsattel, piano Video by Taylor Joshua Rankin
Rzewski Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues from Four North American Bal
Filmed and streamed live on February 2, 2017 in the Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Studio. Directed by Tristan Cook
Paul Watkins, cello, and Gilles Vonsattel, piano: Beethoven
Beethoven Cello Sonata in C, Op. 102, No. 1: Andante - 00:00:00 Allegro vivace - 00:02:26 Adagio. Tempo d’andante - 00:07:10 Allegro con brio - 00:9:28 Celli...
Romancendres - Heinz Holliger on Vimeo
Daniel Haefliger, Cello Gilles Vonsattel, Piano Radio Studio, Zurich, Switzerland February 2012 Video: videocraft, Geneva CD by GENUIN classics, Leipzig,…
Janacek Sonata 1.X.1905 (From the Street, 1 October 1905) for Pi
Filmed and streamed live on February 2, 2017 in the Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Studio. Directed by Tristan Cook
Vierne Quintet for Piano, Two Violins, Viola, and Cello, Op. 42
Recorded and streamed live on Nov. 13, 2014 in the Daniel and Johanna S. Rose Studio. Artists: Danish String Quartet Gilles Vonsattel, piano
Rachmaninov - Suite no. 2 for Two Pianos, IV. Tarantelle - CMS -
Sergei Rachmaninov's Suite no. 2 in C minor for Two Pianos, op. 17 ---IV Tarantella: Presto, performed by Inon Barnatan and Gilles Vonsattel for the Chamber ...